甘比英文拓展写作- 描述风景- diamanche

2017-01-16  本文已影响0人  tn015

In late autumn, a vigorous and optimistic brook run its way through the thick forest, with trees whose leaves turn red standing straight on both sides. Above the crystal-liked stream, affected by the damp and warm climate, the rocks and fallen branches of different shape are covered with moss, with limpid water flowing nearby. When getting closer, a shoal of fish can be apparently observed swimming joyfully in the water. While the reddish fallen leaves decayed and stones eroded, the brook still continues moving forward regardless of the rocks, trunks or branches ahead. The fire-brick-color leaves and the distant sun-drenched area leave the seemingly desolate place a sense of warmth and vitality. The striking contrast of colors, the jagged bank of the brook and the vitality of the stream together unfold a picturesque view before us.

甘比英文拓展写作- 描述风景- diamanche

