Cook R生物信息学与算法诗翔的R语言学习之路

「r<-包」使用 tinyscholar 展示个人谷歌学术档案

2020-08-17  本文已影响0人  王诗翔

谷歌学术是目前感觉最好的学术搜索引擎,谷歌学术档案提供了学者的个人学术信息,不过通常情况我们无法查看和使用这个信息。Y 叔写的 scholar 包虽然提供了齐全的功能,但由于网络限制在国内基本无法使用。


通过搜索,我发现有人提供了一个用 php 写的访问接口,该接口可以根据谷歌学术 id 返回一段 json 格式的谷歌学术数据,包括引用数和出版物。数据虽然简单,但已经足够我的使用了。我进一步找到了对应的 GitHub 项目 地址,与 Openbiox 的剑锋交流后在 Hiplot 项目上也部署了一个相同的接口,方便调用。

受 scholar 包启发,我创建了一个名为 tinyscholar 的 R 包,用于解析数据和提供表格/图形可视化。


# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_git("")


类似 scholar 包,这里对 Richard Feynman 进行简单展示。

id <- "B7vSqZsAAAAJ"
profile <- tinyscholar(id)
#> Using cache directory: /var/folders/bj/nw1w4g1j37ddpgb6zmh3sfh80000gn/T//RtmprXOaXD/tinyscholar
#> Cannot find cache file /var/folders/bj/nw1w4g1j37ddpgb6zmh3sfh80000gn/T//RtmprXOaXD/tinyscholar/unsorted_2020-08-16_B7vSqZsAAAAJ.rds
#> Try quering data from server: hiplot
#> Save data to cache file /var/folders/bj/nw1w4g1j37ddpgb6zmh3sfh80000gn/T//RtmprXOaXD/tinyscholar/unsorted_2020-08-16_B7vSqZsAAAAJ.rds
#> Done

tb <- scholar_table(profile)
title authors venue citations year
Quantum mechanics and path integration RP Feynman, AR Hibbs McGraw–Hill, 1965 27792 1965
The Feynman lectures on physics RP Feynman, RB Leighton, M Sands, SB Treiman Physics Today 17, 45, 1964 15411 1964
TheFeynman lectures on physics RP Feynman, RB Leighton, M Sands, CA Heras, R Gómez, E Oelker, ... Fondo Educativo Interamericano, cop., 1971 15222 1971
Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat RP Feynman, RB Leighton, ML Sands Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1963 15070 1963
Simulating physics with computers RP Feynman International journal of theoretical physics 21 (6), 467-488, 1982 8198 1982
Space-time approach to non-relativistic quantum mechanics RP Feynman Reviews of Modern Physics 20 (2), 367, 1948 5010 1948
There's plenty of room at the bottom RP Feynman Engineering and Science 23 (5), 22-36, 1960 4809 1960
Forces in molecules RP Feynman Physical Review 56 (4), 340, 1939 4465 1939
The character of physical law R Feynman MIT press, 1967 3319 1967
Very high-energy collisions of hadrons RP Feynman Physical Review Letters 23 (24), 1415-1417, 1969 3240 1969
Theory of the Fermi interaction RP Feynman, M Gell-Mann Physical Review 109 (1), 193, 1958 3115 1958
The theory of a general quantum system interacting with a linear dissipative system RP Feynman, FL Vernon Annals of physics 24, 118-173, 1963 2835 1963
QED: The strange theory of light and matter RP Feyman Universities Press, 1985 2683 1985
Photon--hadron interactions RP Feynman WA Benjamin, Inc., Reading, MA, 1972 2471 1972
Space-time approach to quantum electrodynamics RP Feynman Physical Review 76 (6), 769, 1949 2118 1949
The theory of positrons RP Feynman Physical Review 76 (6), 749, 1949 1796 1949
Interaction with the absorber as the mechanism of radiation JA Wheeler, RP Feynman Reviews of Modern Physics 17 (2-3), 157-181, 1945 1673 1945
Surely You are Joking Mr Feynmanl: Adventures of a Curious Character RP Feynman Bantam Books, 1986 1584 1986
Quantum-mechanical computers, Suc R Feynman Phys. Sci 149 (4), 671-688, 1986 1559 1986
An operator calculus having applications in quantum electrodynamics RP Feynman Physical Review 84 (1), 108, 1951 1410 1951
Update: 2020-08-16
pl <- scholar_plot(profile, add_text = FALSE)
pl$citations + ggpubr::rotate_x_text()
pl$publications + ggpubr::rotate_x_text()

更为详细的介绍请查看在线文档。这里除了 tinyscholar() 这个核心函数用于获取和清理数据,生成一个列表,展示方面读者可以各显神通。

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