Born a crime Day 3

2017-10-04  本文已影响0人  Donutzpj

Words and expressions

1  run 控制,管理

I grew up in a world run by women.



2 heir

The first family were the heirs, so there wasalways the chance they might get poisoned by the second family.


3 in the hands of sb受某人的照料/控制

So I only saw my grandfather now and then, andwhen he was gone the house was in the hands of women.


4 mother hen喜欢关系人的妇女,爱操心的女人

Sibongile was a powerhouse, a strong woman inevery sense, big-chested, the mother hen.


5 take忍受,容忍

He’d slap my aunt and hit her and she'd take it and take it, and then eventually she’d snapand smack him down and put him back in his place.

She’d take it and take it可以翻译成:她(一直)忍啊忍。



Dinky was trying to masquerade as thispatriarch that he wasn’t. He’d slap my aunt and hit her and she’d take it andtake it, and then eventually she’d snap and smack him down and put him back inhis place. Dinky would always walk around like, “I control my woman.” And you’dwant to say, “Dinky, first of all, you don’t. Second of all, you don’t need to.Because she loves you.” I can remember one day my aunt had really had enough. Iwas in the yard and Dinky came running out of the house screaming bloodymurder.

Why some men have the thoughts that they want to CONTROL their women. Why some males think that they can use violence to control their wives rather than love. For me, it’s hard to define control. If I get married to someone who is capable to take in charge of the family, I will willingly be taken care of and let him make big decisions. To some extent, he is controlling me. But if he uses violence to control me, and lets me stay with him because of fear. I guess our relationship would not last long. This situation does not happen in the old times, this is happening now. In some places, man can control their wives, and their behaviors are even protected by the law. Recently, I have heard a piece of news that Saudi Arabia announced that it would allow women to drive. This Kingdom had long banned female drivers, because it would help stop women from committing adultery. Even though women can drive, they still need a male guardian's permission to travel.In the future, I hope the male guardianship can be abolished, and women can do whatever they want without asking men's permission.

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