断断续续用了一个月的时间,终于读完了《月亮与六便士》The Moon and Sixpence,虽然提前知道这是一本关于追求梦想的故事,可是没想到过程如此艰辛。
男主人公Charles Strickland,一位证券从业者,在伦敦过着富足的生活,漂亮贤惠的妻子,乖巧懂事的儿女陪伴左右。在四十岁某一天忽然忍受不了自己的生活,抛妻弃子,留下一封简单的信,孑然一身、毫无牵挂地跑去了巴黎。
由于本身尚无名气、人品不好以及自身的傲气,画的画很难卖出去,没有经济来源,身上衣裳、口中食都成问题,幸好有画家Dirk Stroeve丝毫不在意被三番五次地冷嘲热讽,多次热心相助,主人公依靠救济维持着活着。
在Charles Strickland病入膏肓的时候,Dirk Stroeve不顾妻子的强烈反对,坚持把Strickland接到自己家细心照料,Strickland才得以康复。
然而他却恩将仇报夺走了Dirk至爱的妻子的心,且毫不珍惜,Dirk的妻子自杀身亡,Dirk家破人亡,孤身一人回到故乡, Strickland丝毫没有罪恶感,认为此事与己无关。
Strickland多次将画赠予他人,声称“It means nothing to you now, but it may be that one day you will be glad to have it."可见Strickland仿佛已经预见到自己终将成名,而他并不在乎这些。生前穷困潦倒,死后流芳百世,看来也是艺术界见怪不怪的事情。
1. 成功与否?世人评价,幸福与否?冷暖自知,子非鱼,又安知鱼之乐?
“Is to do what you most want, to live under the conditions that please you, in peace with yourself, to make a hash of life; and is it success to be an eminent surgeon with ten thousand a year and a beautiful wife? I suppose it depends on what meaning you attach to life, the claim which you acknowledge to society, and the claim of the individual.”
2. 一颗不甘平凡的心
“I felt in such an existence, the share of the great majority, something amiss. I recognised its social values, I saw its ordered happiness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course. There seemed to me something alarming in such easy delights. In my heart was a desire to live more dangerously. I was not unprepared for jagged rocks and treacherous shoals if I could only have change—change and the excitement of the unforeseen.”
“The world is hard and cruel. We are here none knows why, and we go none knows whither. We must be very humble. We must see the beauty of quietness. We must go through life so inconspicuously that Fate does not notice us. And let us seek the love of simple, ignorant people. Their ignorance is better than all our knowledge. Let us be silent, content in our little corner, meek and gentle like them. That is the wisdom of life."
“I don't think of the past. The only thing that matters is the everlasting present."
“Each one of us is alone in the world. He is shut in a tower of brass, and can communicate with his fellows only by signs, and the signs have no common value, so that their sense is vague and uncertain. We seek pitifully to convey to others the treasures of our heart, but they have not the power to accept them, and so we go lonely, side by side but not together, unable to know our fellows and unknown by them. ”
“I had not yet learnt how contradictory is human nature; I did not know how much pose there is in the sincere, how much baseness in the noble, nor how much goodness in the reprobate.Now I am well aware that pettiness and grandeur, malice and charity, hatred and love, can find place side by side in the same human heart.”
7. 我们是“幸福快乐”的一家人?
“I pictured their lives, troubled by no untoward adventure, honest, decent, and, by reason of those two upstanding, pleasant children, so obviously destined to carry on the normal traditions of their race and station, not without significance. They would grow old insensibly; they would see their son and daughter come to years of reason, marry in due course—the one a pretty girl, future mother of healthy children; the other a handsome, manly fellow, obviously a soldier; and at last, prosperous in their dignified retirement, beloved by their descendants, after a happy, not unuseful life, in the fullness of their age they would sink into the grave. That must be the story of innumerable couples, and the pattern of life it offers has a homely grace.”
(我想象着这一对夫妻的生活,不受任何灾殃祸变的干扰,诚实、体面,两个孩子更是规矩可 爱,肯定会继承和发扬这一家人的地位和传统。在不知不觉间,他们俩的年纪越来越老,儿女却逐渐长大成人,到了一定的年龄,就会结婚成家—这个美丽的姑娘,将来还会成为健康孩子的母亲;另一个则是仪表堂堂的男子汉,显然会成为一名军人。最后这一对夫妻告老引退,受到子孙敬爱,过着富足、体面的晚 年,未曾虚度,直到年寿已高,才告别了人世。这一定是世间无数对夫妻的生活写照,这种生活模式给人一种天伦之美。)
“You can never tell what a man is like till you live with him.”
“I don't want love. I haven't time for it. It's weakness. I am a man, and sometimes I want a woman. When I've satisfied my passion I'm ready for other things.”
“Because women can do nothing except love, they've given it a ridiculous importance.They want to persuade us that it's the whole of life. It's an insignificant part. I know lust. That's normal and healthy. Love is a disease. Women are the instruments of my pleasure; I have no patience with their claim to be helpmates, partners, companions."
“When a woman loves you she's not satisfied until she possesses your soul. Because she's weak, she has a rage for domination, and nothing less will satisfy her. She has a small mind, and she resents the abstract which she is unable to grasp. She is occupied with material things, and she is jealous of the ideal. The soul of man wanders through the uttermost regions of the universe, and she seeks to imprison it in the circle of her account-book. Do you remember my wife? I saw Blanche little by little trying all her tricks. With infinite patience she prepared to snare me and bind me. She wanted to bring me down to her level; she cared nothing for me, she only wanted me to be hers. She was willing to do everything in the world for me except the one thing I wanted: to leave me alone."
“As lovers, the difference between men and women is that women can love all day long, but men only at times.”
“But you are forty”. “That’s what made me think it was high time to begin”
“I tell you I've got to paint. I can't help myself. When a man falls into the water it doesn't matter how he swims, well or badly: he's got to get out or else he'll drown."
15.别人的看法靠边站,Just Follow Your Hear!
“But here was a man who sincerely did not mind what people thought of him, and so convention had no hold on him.”