2020-03-18 本文已影响0人
- 从均匀分布随机采样kN个点
- 重点采样BN个点
- 从均匀分布中采样(1-B)N个点
def get_uncertain_point_coords_with_randomness( coarse_logits, uncertainty_func, num_points, oversample_ratio, importance_sample_ratio ): """ Sample points in [0, 1] x [0, 1] coordinate space based on their uncertainty. The unceratinties are calculated for each point using 'uncertainty_func' function that takes point's logit prediction as input. See PointRend paper for details. Args: coarse_logits (Tensor): A tensor of shape (N, C, Hmask, Wmask) or (N, 1, Hmask, Wmask) for class-specific or class-agnostic prediction. uncertainty_func: A function that takes a Tensor of shape (N, C, P) or (N, 1, P) that contains logit predictions for P points and returns their uncertainties as a Tensor of shape (N, 1, P). num_points (int): The number of points P to sample. oversample_ratio (int): Oversampling parameter. importance_sample_ratio (float): Ratio of points that are sampled via importnace sampling. Returns: point_coords (Tensor): A tensor of shape (N, P, 2) that contains the coordinates of P sampled points. """ assert oversample_ratio >= 1 assert importance_sample_ratio <= 1 and importance_sample_ratio >= 0 num_boxes = coarse_logits.shape[0] num_sampled = int(num_points * oversample_ratio) point_coords = torch.rand(num_boxes, num_sampled, 2, device=coarse_logits.device) point_logits = point_sample(coarse_logits, point_coords, align_corners=False) # It is crucial to calculate uncertainty based on the sampled prediction value for the points. # Calculating uncertainties of the coarse predictions first and sampling them for points leads # to incorrect results. # To illustrate this: assume uncertainty_func(logits)=-abs(logits), a sampled point between # two coarse predictions with -1 and 1 logits has 0 logits, and therefore 0 uncertainty value. # However, if we calculate uncertainties for the coarse predictions first, # both will have -1 uncertainty, and the sampled point will get -1 uncertainty. point_uncertainties = uncertainty_func(point_logits) num_uncertain_points = int(importance_sample_ratio * num_points) num_random_points = num_points - num_uncertain_points idx = torch.topk(point_uncertainties[:, 0, :], k=num_uncertain_points, dim=1)[1] shift = num_sampled * torch.arange(num_boxes, dtype=torch.long, device=coarse_logits.device) idx += shift[:, None] point_coords = point_coords.view(-1, 2)[idx.view(-1), :].view( num_boxes, num_uncertain_points, 2 ) if num_random_points > 0: point_coords = cat( [ point_coords, torch.rand(num_boxes, num_random_points, 2, device=coarse_logits.device), ], dim=1, ) return point_coords
def point_sample_fine_grained_features(features_list, feature_scales, boxes, point_coords): """ Get features from feature maps in `features_list` that correspond to specific point coordinates inside each bounding box from `boxes`. Args: features_list (list[Tensor]): A list of feature map tensors to get features from. feature_scales (list[float]): A list of scales for tensors in `features_list`. boxes (list[Boxes]): A list of I Boxes objects that contain R_1 + ... + R_I = R boxes all together. point_coords (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, P, 2) that contains [0, 1] x [0, 1] box-normalized coordinates of the P sampled points. Returns: point_features (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, C, P) that contains features sampled from all features maps in feature_list for P sampled points for all R boxes in `boxes`. point_coords_wrt_image (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, P, 2) that contains image-level coordinates of P points. """ cat_boxes = Boxes.cat(boxes) num_boxes = [len(b) for b in boxes] point_coords_wrt_image = get_point_coords_wrt_image(cat_boxes.tensor, point_coords) split_point_coords_wrt_image = torch.split(point_coords_wrt_image, num_boxes) point_features = [] for idx_img, point_coords_wrt_image_per_image in enumerate(split_point_coords_wrt_image): point_features_per_image = [] for idx_feature, feature_map in enumerate(features_list): h, w = feature_map.shape[-2:] scale = torch.tensor([w, h], device=feature_map.device) / feature_scales[idx_feature] point_coords_scaled = point_coords_wrt_image_per_image / scale point_features_per_image.append( point_sample( feature_map[idx_img].unsqueeze(0), point_coords_scaled.unsqueeze(0), align_corners=False, ) .squeeze(0) .transpose(1, 0) ) point_features.append(cat(point_features_per_image, dim=1)) return cat(point_features, dim=0), point_coords_wrt_image
def roi_mask_point_loss(mask_logits, instances, points_coord):
Compute the point-based loss for instance segmentation mask predictions.
mask_logits (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, C, P) or (R, 1, P) for class-specific or
class-agnostic, where R is the total number of predicted masks in all images, C is the
number of foreground classes, and P is the number of points sampled for each mask.
The values are logits.
instances (list[Instances]): A list of N Instances, where N is the number of images
in the batch. These instances are in 1:1 correspondence with the `mask_logits`. So, i_th
elememt of the list contains R_i objects and R_1 + ... + R_N is equal to R.
The ground-truth labels (class, box, mask, ...) associated with each instance are stored
in fields.
points_coords (Tensor): A tensor of shape (R, P, 2), where R is the total number of
predicted masks and P is the number of points for each mask. The coordinates are in
the image pixel coordinate space, i.e. [0, H] x [0, W].
point_loss (Tensor): A scalar tensor containing the loss.
assert len(instances) == 0 or isinstance(
instances[0].gt_masks, BitMasks
), "Point head works with GT in 'bitmask' format only. Set INPUT.MASK_FORMAT to 'bitmask'."
with torch.no_grad():
cls_agnostic_mask = mask_logits.size(1) == 1
total_num_masks = mask_logits.size(0)
gt_classes = []
gt_mask_logits = []
idx = 0
for instances_per_image in instances:
if not cls_agnostic_mask:
gt_classes_per_image = instances_per_image.gt_classes.to(dtype=torch.int64)
gt_bit_masks = instances_per_image.gt_masks.tensor
h, w = instances_per_image.gt_masks.image_size
scale = torch.tensor([w, h], dtype=torch.float, device=gt_bit_masks.device)
points_coord_grid_sample_format = (
points_coord[idx : idx + len(instances_per_image)] / scale
idx += len(instances_per_image)
gt_mask_logits = cat(gt_mask_logits)
# torch.mean (in binary_cross_entropy_with_logits) doesn't
# accept empty tensors, so handle it separately
if gt_mask_logits.numel() == 0:
return mask_logits.sum() * 0
if cls_agnostic_mask:
mask_logits = mask_logits[:, 0]
indices = torch.arange(total_num_masks)
gt_classes = cat(gt_classes, dim=0)
mask_logits = mask_logits[indices, gt_classes]
# Log the training accuracy (using gt classes and 0.0 threshold for the logits)
mask_accurate = (mask_logits > 0.0) == gt_mask_logits.to(dtype=torch.uint8)
mask_accuracy = mask_accurate.nonzero().size(0) / mask_accurate.numel()
get_event_storage().put_scalar("point_rend/accuracy", mask_accuracy)
point_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
mask_logits, gt_mask_logits.to(dtype=torch.float32), reduction="mean"
return point_loss
- Fine-grained features:P2(也可以是多层,通过concat连接在一起)
- Coarse prediction features:比如预测的mask
- P2的size?相比输入,stride=4
- mask rcnn backbone:Resnet50+FPN
- coarse mask head
- 输入:从P2提取的14*14的特征
- conv(in,256,2,stride=2)
- ReLU
- MLP:隐藏层宽度为1024,带ReLU层
- sigmoid激活层
- PointRend_head:
- 输入:coarse mask的K维特征向量(因为有K个类别),P2层的256维特征向量
- MLP:3个隐藏层(1*1卷积层),每个256个通道(每层的输入为上层的256个输出+coarse mask的K维向量),ReLU
- sigmoid激活层