2017 英文阅读

Notes | D08-刻意练习-Peak: The Gold

2017-08-11  本文已影响3人  f5cbc22a4a57

Reading Part @ Aug. 10, 2017

Chapter 4: The Gold Standard(100-114)


As defined, deliberate practice is a very specialized form of practice. You need a teacher or coach who assigns practice techniques designed to help you improve on very specific skills...... And the field itself must have a highly developed set of skills that are available to be taught.

作者认为,刻意练习(deliberate practice)有两个重要的前提条件,一是对行业的要求,最好是具备 “有客观的可衡量的标准” ,这样便于找出行业顶尖人物;二是要能找到一个好老师,能够传授教导我们行业顶尖人物的训练方法/技巧,如此方能助我们事半功倍。

之后再按照有目的练习(purposeful practice)的方法,从内心出发,走出舒适区,制定明确的目标,专注练习,适时反馈,不断提升自己的心理表征,持续进步。

最后,作者还批判性的提到作家马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)在其著作 《异类》中的“一万小时定律”,认为此观点不够客观真实,一万小时只是个nice round number而已,只提到了练习的“量”并没有提到“质”,也没有考虑到不同行业对“达到优秀”所需要练习的时间也不尽相同。但作者对“一万小时定律”背后所传达的“成功必须要付出多年努力练习”的这个观点还是给予了肯定。





Words and Expressions:

This is a latter-day version of "the memory place" that people have used since the time of the ancient Greeks to remeber large amounts of information.

latter-day, 形容词,regarded as a modern version of someone or something from the past,表示“过去某个人物或事物的现如今版本”,就如例句里的这个意思;
例句:Romer portrayed himself as a latter-day Robin Hood who took money and gave it to the underprivileged.

latter-day 还可以表示“近代的,现代的,当今的”,relating to a recent period of time, rather than an earlier one.
例句:Latter-day students could never meet the college entrance standards required in the 1940s.

Thus a good rule of thumb is to seek out people who work intimately with many other professionals, such as ......

rule of thumb, a rough figure or method of doing something that is based on experience and common sense rather than exact calculation,意思是“根据实验结果或者经验得出的大概结论”.

例句:A good rule of thumb for keeping your closet organized is to get rid of any clothes you haven't worn in the past year.
仿造句:My friends told me that I should tip bellmen $1 per bag, as a rule of thumb.

......Gladwell offered a catchy phrase: "the ten-thousand-hour rule."

catchy, 形容词,意思是“引人注意的,容易记住的”,appealing and easy to remember;例如,catchy title,吸睛的标题;

所以 catchy phrase 指的是“朗朗上口的经典语句,流行语”,a short well-known phrase made popular by an entertainer or politician, so that people think of that person when they hear it.
仿造句:There are so many catchy phrases hidden in this book.

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