【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171206 #1
欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】
1) Movie studios are racing to control the entertainment experience of autonomous cars
Daily Telegraph
PLENTY of Australians drive to work each day and with the impending adoption of autonomous vehicles, that commute is going to look very different indeed. While the likes ... Warner Brothers certainly isn't the only movie studio eyeing off the potential of the autonomous car experience. Earlier this year ...

2) Denver's first driverless shuttle hits the test track, avoids tumbleweed before possible 2018
The Denver Post
Driverless vehicles are being tested in Colorado, and on Monday, a demonstration kicked off what the state hopes to be a new normal as early as next ...
3) 李彦宏:人们可以坐在无人驾驶汽车里喝酒
事实上,不止是超市领域,在金融、房产、教育、医疗、能源、物流等方面,人工智能都有非常多的应用。 另外,李彦宏还提到了无人驾驶。他说:“昨天晚上,大家一起喝酒,就谈到了无人驾驶,大家给我出主意,说百度应该做一个广告,画面就是坐在车里喝酒。因为无人驾驶,所以就没有酒驾这个说法了。” ...
4) 世界互联网大佬激辩AI 机器替代人工作后快递小哥咋办
据悉,只要输入待发产品数量、重量、尺寸、目的地、运输时间等信息,一键提交供应链系统,就能分析生成运单;根据平台累计的人、车、货数据构建匹配模型, ... 去年世界互联网大会,京东通过“无人机”“无人车”“无人仓”共同构成的“智慧物流”场景,展现“互联网+物流”时代的全新生活体验,打造零售行业中不可或缺的 ...
5) Nissan, DeNA schedule public tests of self-driving car service in Japan next year
UL] and a barrage of start-ups as ride-sharing services threaten to hit demand for car ownership. While companies continue to pursue development of safe self-driving functions which can ferry riders to their destination of choice, they also face regulatory hurdles, as most global jurisdictions do not ...
6) XPrize's $5 million AI competition is down to 59 teams
A year after launching, the IBM Watson-sponsored AI XPrize has been whittled down to 59 teams. That number's down from 147 in May, which, in turn, ...
7) IBM's new Power9 chip was built for AI and machine learning
In a world that requires increasing amounts of compute power to handle the resource-intensive demands of workloads like artificial intelligence and machine learning, IBM enters the fray with its latest generation Power chip, the Power9. The company intends to sell the chips to third-party manufacturers ...
8) IBM Watson manager, academics describe challenges, potential of healthcare AI
DiSanzo said that AI systems such as Watson or Google's DeepMind have an opportunity to redefine how large sets of data are interpreted.
北京时间17/12/06 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】