Peak 8.10 读书笔记

2017-08-10  本文已影响0人  Eliot2017

一 words and expressions

1. ...that is, they rely on memorizing chunks of two or three or four digits and then arranging those groups in a retrieval structure so that they can be recalled in order later.

retrieval:the process of getting back information stored on a computer system〔计算机系统信息的〕检索

be beyond / past retrieval if a situation is beyond retrieval, it has become so bad that it cannot be made right again无可挽回,无可补救

造句:We have a lesson called documentation retrieval this semester.

2. Many of us assume that their highly developed palates can pick out subtleties and nuances in wines that are not apparent to the rest of us, but studies have shown that their powers are highly exaggerated.

palate:本义是the top part of the inside of your mouth颚,引申为a person's ability to taste and judge good food and wine(对美食、美酒的)鉴赏力

例:a discriminating palate敏锐的鉴赏力

nuance:a very slight, hardly noticeable difference in manner, color,meaning etc〔方式、颜色、意义等的〕细微差别

造句:Some language nuance is not interpretable.

3. In practice this often boils down to purposeful practice with a few extra steps.

boil down to:informal if a long statement, argument etc boils down to a single statement, that statement is the main point or cause要点是某事,归结为某事:

例句:It boils down to a question of priorities.

造句:It could simply boil down to a lack of opportunity: women still earn less than men working the same jobs.

二 summary & thoughts







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1 万小时法则   true or false?


首先,各行业并没有一个固定的 1 万小时法则。在有的行业,要成为大师所需要的练习时间远大于 1 万小时,如在国际比赛中获奖的钢琴家,他们投入的时间可能超过了 2 万小时;在另外的行业,如在第 1 章提到的记忆力训练,实验都只花了 200 小时就能够忘记 84 个数字。

其次,只有刻意的练习对水平才有提高,无目的的练习对水平的提高并没有太大的帮助,这也正是为什么很多从业 20 年的医生比刚从业几年的医生要差。




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