Identify and don't tolerate prob
2.2 Identify and don’t tolerate problems.
a.View painful problems as potential improvements that are screaming at you.
把令人痛苦的问题视为考验你的潜在进步 机会。
Though it won’t feel that way at first, each and every problem you encounter
is an opportunity; for that reason, it is essential that you bring them to the surface. Most people don’t like to do this, especially if it exposes their own weaknesses or the weaknesses of someone they care about, but successful people know they have to.
尽管你一开始不这么觉得,但你遇到的每 个问题都是一个机会。因此,你必须把问题摆上 桌面。大多数人不喜欢这么做,尤其是当问题会 暴露他们或他们所在意的人的缺点时,但成功人 士知道自己必须这么做。
b. Don’t avoid confronting problems because they are rooted in harsh realities that are unpleasant to look at.
不要逃避问题,因为问题根植于看起来并 不美好的残酷现实。
Thinking about problems that are difficult to solve may make you anxious, but not thinking about them (and hence not dealing with them) should make you more anxious still. When a problem stems from your own lack of talent or skill, most people feel shame. Get over it. I cannot emphasize this enough: Acknowledging your weaknesses is not the same as surrendering to them. It’s the first step toward overcoming them. The pains you are feeling are “growing pains” that will test your character and reward you as you push through them.
思考难以解决的问题也许会让你焦虑,但不 思考(因此不尝试解决)肯定会让你更焦虑。当 问题的原因是自身缺乏某种天赋或技能时,大多 数人会感到羞愧。要克服这种羞愧。再强调也不 为过的是,承认你的弱点并不是向弱点投降,而 是克服弱点的第一步。你感到的痛苦是“成长的 痛苦”,它将考验你的个性,当你忍痛前行时给 你回报。