throughout 贯穿
2019-03-13 本文已影响4人
title: throughout
date: 2019-03-13 11:01:28
NO_sents: 5821
NO_references: 1476
throughout the genome|the results|the study|life|lifespan|cyle|process|range
- This implies that they may provide a good approximation in the analysis of SNP data from multiple locations throughout the genome, but less so in the analysis of DNA sequence data from a single or a few loci. (Nielsen, 2005)
- This fact should be kept in mind when interpreting the different marker densities throughout the results and discussion. (Hickey et al., 2014)
- In comparison, the domain-general model nevertheless fitted the data 3.26 times better (Akaike weight of model 3 [0.75] divided by the Akaike weight of model 9 [0.23]; Supplementary Table S3) and is therefore treated as the sole best-fitting model throughout the remaining text. (Santostefano et al., 2016)
- The first is observational, meaning that vital rates (e.g. survival, fecundity) and emergent population descriptors (e.g. population size) are estimated for these two sympatric species without changing the density of cavities (i.e. the number of nest boxes remains constant throughout the study). (Gamelon et al., 2019)
- The breeding females of known age that are marked and monitored throughout their life provide capture-recapture (CR) data of known age females. (Gamelon et al., 2019)
- It may also be due to the fact that for both the Standard and the Case model it is assumed that individuals express infectivity throughout the observation period. (Lipschutz-Powell et al., 2012)
- Roumet, 2013 Assessing leaf nitrogen content and leaf mass per unit area of wheat in the field throughout plant cycle with a portable spectrometer. (Rincent et al., 2018)
- Rabbits on F eat 30 to 40 meals throughout the day [24]. (Piles et al., 2017)
- Parameterizing recombination in terms of r 戼㹣 4Ner permits an evaluation of the per base pair input of recombination, in terms of the rearranging of mutations, throughout the coalescent history of the sampled population. (Morrell et al., 2006)
- At each well address in the PTP, the incorporation of one or more nucleotides into the synthesized strand on each bead was captured by the CCD camera, which records positional information about each well address that reports a signal during the initial flow cycles and then monitors all addresses throughout the sequencing process. (Sackton et al., 2009)
- This trend is reflected in throughout, thus any of these within-cluster GS "accuracies" should be treated with caution. (Thistlethwaite et al., 2019)
- The practical implication is that the same GIANOLA et al similarity matrix, S12, can be used for conducting either single marker or sets of markers GWAS studies using linear regression models, provided that 2 is assumed known and kept constant (as well as the residual variance) throughout. (Gianola, Fernando, Garrick, 2018)
- The traits were entirely controlled by 500 biallelic QTL that were randomly spaced throughout the genome. (Bradford et al., 2019)
- The samples typically contain five to 25 sequences from individuals throughout the species range, with multiple individuals rarely sampled from a single population. (Wright, Gaut, 2005)
- If positive selection occurs at a high rate, as suggested by empirical studies to date, there should be a significant 516 Wright and Gaut correlation between rates of recombination and diversity throughout the genome (Begun and Aquadro 1992). (Wright, Gaut, 2005)
- This family of reduced representation genotyping approaches, generically called genotype-by-sequencing (GBS) or restriction site璦ssociated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq; Davey et al 2011), subsamples the genome at homologous locations to identify and type SNPs evenly throughout the genome. (Catchen et al., 2013)
- These arise from genomic attributes such as the number of loci identified, the degree of repetitive sequences throughout the genome, and the level of polymorphism and divergence among populations. (Catchen et al., 2013)
- The importance of indirect genetic effects has been recognized for a diversity of evolutionary processes including kin selection, sexual selection, community structure and multilevel selection, but data regarding their genetic architecture and prevalence throughout the genome remain scarce, especially for interactions between unrelated individuals. (MUTIC, WOLF, 2007)
- Variation was distributed unevenly throughout the genome (Fig. 1e). (Li et al., 2014)
- Climate change and timing of avian breeding and migration throughout Europe. (Burgess et al., 2018)
- Extending the GREML-MS method to account for different levels of LD throughout the genome, Yang et al7 introduced an approach (originally termed GREML-LDMS but which we term GREML-LDMS-R here) that stratifies SNPs jointly by their MAF and regional LD scores, defined as the sum of r2 between the focal SNP and all other SNPs in a 200-kb sliding window. (Evans et al., 2018)
- Furthermore, although the cPAL-based Revolocity system was intended to compete with the Illumina HiSeq in terms of cost and throughout, its launch was suspended in 2016 and it is now only available as a service platform for human WGS33,34, whereas the cPAS-based BGISEQ500 platform is limited to mainland China. (Goodwin, McPherson, McCombie, 2016)
- The direct action of hormones throughout the lifespan is one mechanism by which a sex-dependent cellular environment may impact health. (Khramtsova, Davis, Stranger, 2018)
- Little overlap of sex-D E genes was found across developmental stages, suggesting a highly dynamic gene regulation program throughout the course of brain development. (Khramtsova, Davis, Stranger, 2018)
- Studies that aim to identify loci throughout the genome associated with an observed trait or disorder. (Plomin, von Stumm, 2018)
- A related advantage of GPSs as predictors is that they are exceptionally stable throughout the lifespan because they index inherited differences in our DNA sequence. (Plomin, von Stumm, 2018)
- For example, IQ testing was infamously used to differentiate European immi grants to the United States of America who arrived at Ellis Island in the early 1900s, as well as to guide eugenic ideas about sterilization in Britain and the United States of America throughout the 20th century11. (Plomin, von Stumm, 2018)
- Selzam, S. et al Genome-wide polygenic scores predict reading performance throughout the school years. (Plomin, von Stumm, 2018)
- Notably, the inter-individual variation in mutation rate and spectra are low, suggesting tissue-specific activity of common mutational processes throughout life. (Blokzijl et al., 2016)