
53/70 豆苗写作:Aurora and the diamon

2017-07-14  本文已影响43人  悬崖上的小树

One sunny morning, Aurora awoke in the most cheerful mood. It was her 17th birthday , and she couldn't wait to see what wonderful surprises she would get , luckily she didn't have to wait long.

She went out in the garden and met her mother, the queen. She noticed on the queens head there was a unusual crown. Aurora asked the queen is it was new , the queen replied "actually it's quite old".

The queen took Aurora by the hand and lead her through the castle to the great portrait hall , it was filled with paintings and Aurora saw her mothers painting.

The queen told aurora that she would get the crown if she can answer three riddles. Just then the three good fairies , flora,  Fauna  and Merryweather flew in. The three fairies said to Aurora we are here to give you clues.

The first riddle is , "to the eyes , it's a treat , to the nose , a delight , but be aware to the hand , it can be quite a fright". Aurora went into the garden and said "is it a rose"? The fairies answered,  yes it is. So Aurora picked the biggest Rose she could find. The second riddle is "some planted it , some steal it , some blow it away. Some even do it several times in a day, some who are shy my blush getting this on their hand or their cheek. Aurora asked is it to kiss, The fairies said yes it is. The last riddle is "what only gets  stronger the longer it lives? What pays you back tenfold the more that you give? Some say it's blind, some say is true, Some just say simple, I feel this for you". Suddenly Aurora knew the answer, she said it's love.

Happily, Aurora hurried up to her mothers suing room. I've solved the riddle's! She announced. She took the pink rose from her hair and handed it to her mother. Then Aurora gave her a kiss on the cheek. Very good !" declared the queen. And the answer to the third riddle? It's love,  said Aurora.

The queen took the crown from her head and Padley place it on Aurora's head.

The End.

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