雪山在唱歌| C5 Arioso <8>
Singing Snowberg
Chapter Five
Arioso <8>

Suddenly I have a question, “you think you’re selfish?” “I seldom think so until these days with you.” I want to place my hands on his shoulders right now, but this body resists to oblige. “I’ll be back.” Promise promise... is he trying to get me promising something? “I’ll wait.” “Let’s dance in the music.”
I slide open the illusion and walk into the Uyuni. Where’s Salix? “He’s already became a part of your past.” I don’t know how long we’ve walked since the first time we reached this dried lake, boundless whiteness everywhere. “Yeah, the past. That’s why I can’t see Rosa here, I suppose.” “She’s dead, if you want we could go back to that moor....” “No thanks.”
“I need you to come with me, what I’ll show are not simply demonstrations, you’ll learn from them.” Guess I’m convinced, the illusion opens itself for the first time.
I see the rainbow across the calm ocean, so long, let me just sit here and admire the beauty. Unfortunately it disappeared so quick and I’m seeing a little girl wearing colours standing in front of me. “So you’re that rainbow.” “Kind of, but I’m leaving.” I should mock myself: how would I tear apart a rainbow?
Morph walks into the ocean, no she’s not walking on the surface, she’s drowning herself. Seconds later she disappeared the ocean bursts with thousands colours like a giant transparent glass, tinting everything with a refreshed tone. Temperature is getting higher and higher, until the picture breaks in two and we’re swallowed into what’s behind it.
We’re in a triangle-shaped time tunnel, pictures are lengthened into beams of colours. “She died, she sacrificed herself.” “You’re wrong, she’s everywhere, she’s the Morph! Nothing will die or cease to exist.” “What about God, you claimed he’s dead.” “The death is not a simple thing....” And suddenly she’s gone, with the stretched colours.
I was teleported to the white lighthouse, the sun is at his setting state, it’s cold here.
“Cyano, come up here.” Sunder is waving at me from the top of the lighthouse. There’re steps leading upwards, when I reached the top my hands and feet are shaking uncontrollably. Wind is blowing with tiny drops of water, without doubt, it’s winter here. “I miss the summer, but it won’t last forever.” I totally got the gist of her saying, but this is the past Sunder.
We sit on the ridge before the light lens which hides behind the transparent lamp chimney. What we do is only watching the sunset. I remember the first few times when I was with her were like this, no talking, only the undercurrents were running beneath. What she tried to make me understand is actually the same as what she’s doing. Let those undercurrents flow.
When the sun isn’t longer visible she speaks, “the first time without help is a good sign, because help won’t always comes promptly, thus, you need to imagine it, imagine the help to save yourself.” But it’s dangerous to do so, one step closer will make another maniac.
On the other side of the platform, we can see Cyan is leaving home with luggage placed beside her. She’s bidding her farewell to Rose. I guess she’s happy to see the world, hope she’ll find the best part of this world, find the warmth and shelter.
“I’d made sure she’ll come back.” How? “That dance. I danced to save them, she’ll come back to save me.”
The last skylight dimmed into the darkness, even the stars were swallowed; and the everlasting sound of waves was tranquillised into the suffocating silence. There’s a light, that only light source perching on the grey ceiling. This is a cell for confinement with only a bed and a WC. Sunder is lying on the bed, eyes bloodshot. This is the consequence of that dance.
The morning came, sunshine in the house, I realised this is my old room. I really don’t want to face my mum, or Aliciasa, even my dad. It feels like I came back from Southpole with nothing, nothing. However I got up, this stupid body doesn’t know how much I miss my bed, the smell of true sunshine. At this moment I think of Salix, his scent when we’re embracing, you see how strange it is when you look at the face of your father and think of another man.
“Dad, I’m going to work.” “First day of the job, cheer up boy.” I’ve never been able to recall this day, there must be something unhappy. And it was unhappy indeed.