Business Meeting - Lesson 7

2022-04-06  本文已影响0人  他瑞Taurui

Managing a Discussion

When you have a question, please raise your hand. This will allow me to call on people one at a time and avoid having people talk over each other. Also please make sure that your questions are on topic. Who would like to begin?

to talk over (someone) – to speak when someone else is speaking, so that two people are speaking at the same time and it is difficult to understand

I need to voice my concern about how the focus groups were not asked about color or design. I think this would have….

to voice (one’s) concern – to express one’s worry; to say what one is worried about

Please pardon my interruption, but with all due respect, Mr.
Hanson, I completely disagree with you. I understand your
concern, but in our experience those product characteristics pale in comparison next to “affordability” and “ease of use.” I don’t have time to address your concern fully, but most customers aren’t interested in design as much.

with all due respect – a phrase used when one strongly disagrees with another person, but wants to say so as respectfully and nicely as possible

If I may offer my opinion, I believe Mr. Hanson has a legitimate
concern and I’m glad he asked that question, but Ms. Graff may be right about the importance of listening to our customers. However, this topic is outside the scope of my expertise.

outside the scope of (one’s) expertise – something that one doesn’t know very much about; something that is not related to one’s education or experience

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