The Stealthily Dressed-Up Classi

There's a little bit of whole wheat flour in this recipe—but you'd never know it, promise Emma Chapman and Elsie Larson in their new cookbook, A Beautiful Mess Weekday Weekend. What the ingredient does add is a bit of nutrition (it has more vitamins than white flour), as does the smattering of sesame seeds on top of the cookies (they're a good source of calcium, iron and zinc). And using dark chocolate chips instead of semi-sweet chocolate means you get additional health benefits. Sprinkling each cookie with coarse sea salt adds a new dimension of flavor and a bit of crunch
在这份菜单里,需要有一点全麦面粉,你可能不知道这是什么,在Emma Chapman and Elsie Larson的新菜谱——天天美食 里是可以见到的。添加进去的作料非常健康,拥有更多的维他命而不是精白面粉,比如在点心的表面撒上些许芝麻,它们是钙、铁和锌的非常好的一个来源。用黑巧克力的薄片代替半塘巧克力意味着你可以得到更多健康好处。在每块小饼干上撒上少量海盐能够带来一种新的香味和咀嚼感。
1 cup all-purpose flour 一杯通用的面粉·
1/2 cup white whole wheat flour 半杯全麦面粉·
1 tsp. Salt 一勺盐· 3/4 tsp. baking powder 四分之三勺发酵粉·
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened 半杯无盐黄油,软化·
1/2 cup packed brown sugar 半杯袋装的红糖·
1/4 cup granulated sugar 四分之一杯砂糖·
1 large egg 一个大鸡蛋· 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract 一勺纯的香草精·
1 cup dark chocolate chips 一杯黑巧克力薄片·
2 to 3 Tbsp. sesame seeds 2-3勺芝麻·
2 to 3 tsp. coarse sea salt, such as Maldon, optional 2-3勺粗糙的海盐,比如摩尔登可选

Preheat the oven to 350°. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.In a medium bowl, whisk together the flours, salt and baking powder.
In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugars until well combined. Stir in the vanilla and egg. Add the flour mixture and stir until a dough ball forms. Fold in the chocolate chips. Refrigerate the dough for at least for 30 minutes, or for up to 2 days.
Divide the dough into 24 small balls, each about 2 tablespoons. Pour the sesame seeds onto a plate. Roll each dough ball in the seeds and place on the prepared baking sheet. Sprinkle each cookie with the coarse salt, if using.
Bake for 12 minutes, or until the edges begin to brown. Transfer the sheet to a wire cooling rack and let cool on the sheet for 5 minutes, then transfer the cookies to the rack. Serve warm.