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2016-10-18  本文已影响856人  EA88


相信做iOS开发或者Mac开发的同学或多或少都听过或者使用过Mach端口(Mach port),笔者也是在了解runloop机制的时候,决定系统的学习一下Mach port相关的知识。以下内容实际上是从《深入解析Mac OS X & iOS操作系统》这本书中挑出来的一些精华并将其归纳成了要点。如果大家在阅读的时候有不懂得地方,建议去读原著。如果不想翻阅那本大部头的书籍,只想了解要点,也可以访问我的博客。下面就开始Mach消息的旅程。

1. Mach概述

1.1 Mach设计原则

1.2 Mach设计目标


2. Mach消息

2.1 简单消息


typedef struct 
  mach_msg_bits_t   msgh_bits;//标志位
  mach_msg_size_t   msgh_size;//大小
  mach_port_t       msgh_remote_port;//目标端口(发送:接受方,接收:发送方)
  mach_port_t       msgh_local_port; //源端口(发送:发送方,接收:接收方)
  mach_port_name_t  msgh_voucher_port;
  mach_msg_id_t     msgh_id;
} mach_msg_header_t; //消息头

typedef struct
        mach_msg_size_t msgh_descriptor_count;
} mach_msg_body_t;//消息体

typedef struct
        mach_msg_header_t       header;
        mach_msg_body_t         body;
} mach_msg_base_t; //基本消息

typedef unsigned int mach_msg_trailer_type_t;//消息尾的类型

typedef struct 
  mach_msg_trailer_type_t   msgh_trailer_type;
  mach_msg_trailer_size_t   msgh_trailer_size;
} mach_msg_trailer_t; //消息尾

2.2 复杂消息


typedef struct
  uint64_t          address;//数据的大小
  boolean_t             deallocate: 8;//发送之后是否接触分配
  mach_msg_copy_options_t       copy: 8;//复制指令
  unsigned int          pad1: 8;
  mach_msg_descriptor_type_t    type: 8;
  mach_msg_size_t           size;//数据的大小
} mach_msg_ool_descriptor64_t;

2.3 消息收发


extern mach_msg_return_t    mach_msg(
                    mach_msg_header_t *msg,
                    mach_msg_option_t option,//可以设置为收消息还是发消息等类型
                    mach_msg_size_t send_size,
                    mach_msg_size_t rcv_size,
                    mach_port_name_t rcv_name,
                    mach_msg_timeout_t timeout,
                    mach_port_name_t notify);                   

2.4 端口


struct ipc_port {

     * Initial sub-structure in common with ipc_pset
     * First element is an ipc_object second is a
     * message queue
    struct ipc_object ip_object;
    struct ipc_mqueue ip_messages;

    natural_t ip_sprequests:1,  /* send-possible requests outstanding */
          ip_spimportant:1, /* ... at least one is importance donating */
          ip_impdonation:1, /* port supports importance donation */
          ip_tempowner:1,   /* dont give donations to current receiver */
          ip_guarded:1,         /* port guarded (use context value as guard) */
          ip_strict_guard:1,    /* Strict guarding; Prevents user manipulation of context values directly */
          ip_impcount:24;   /* number of importance donations in nested queue */

    union {
        struct ipc_space *receiver;
        struct ipc_port *destination;
        ipc_port_timestamp_t timestamp;
    } data;

    union {
        ipc_kobject_t kobject;
        ipc_importance_task_t imp_task;
        uintptr_t alias;
    } kdata;
    struct ipc_port *ip_nsrequest;
    struct ipc_port *ip_pdrequest;
    struct ipc_port_request *ip_requests;
    struct ipc_kmsg *ip_premsg;

    mach_vm_address_t ip_context;

    mach_port_mscount_t ip_mscount;
    mach_port_rights_t ip_srights;
    mach_port_rights_t ip_sorights;

#define IP_NSPARES      4
#define IP_CALLSTACK_MAX    16
/*  queue_chain_t   ip_port_links;*//* all allocated ports */
    thread_t    ip_thread;  /* who made me?  thread context */
    unsigned long   ip_timetrack;   /* give an idea of "when" created */
    uintptr_t   ip_callstack[IP_CALLSTACK_MAX]; /* stack trace */
    unsigned long   ip_spares[IP_NSPARES]; /* for debugging */
#endif  /* MACH_ASSERT */
} __attribute__((__packed__));

2.5 Mach接口生成器(MIG)

Mach消息传递模型是远程调用(Remote Procedure Call,RPC)的一种现实(类似Thrift)。在/usr/include/mach目录下可以看到一些.defs文件,这些文件包含了Mach子系统(一组操作)的定义。操作类型如下:


3. 深入IPC

4. 同步原语

4.1 锁的实现方式

4.2 互斥体(lck_mtx_t)(阻塞)

4.3 信号量(semaphore_t)(阻塞)


4.4 自旋锁(hw_lock_t)(忙等)


4.5 读写锁(hw_lock_t)(阻塞)


4.6 锁集(lock_set_t)


5. 机器原语

5.1 主机对象(Host)


struct  host {
    decl_lck_mtx_data(,lock)        /* lock to protect exceptions */
    ipc_port_t special[HOST_MAX_SPECIAL_PORT + 1];
    struct exception_action exc_actions[EXC_TYPES_COUNT];

5.2 时钟对象(Clock)


5.3 处理器对象(Processer)


struct processor {
    queue_chain_t       processor_queue;/* idle/active queue link,
                                         * MUST remain the first element */
    int                 state;          /* See below */
    boolean_t       is_SMT;
    boolean_t       is_recommended;
    struct thread
                        *active_thread, /* thread running on processor */
                        *next_thread,   /* next thread when dispatched */
                        *idle_thread;   /* this processor's idle thread. */

    processor_set_t     processor_set;  /* assigned set */

    int                 current_pri;    /* priority of current thread */
    sched_mode_t        current_thmode; /* sched mode of current thread */
    sfi_class_id_t      current_sfi_class;  /* SFI class of current thread */
    int                 cpu_id;         /* platform numeric id */

    timer_call_data_t   quantum_timer;  /* timer for quantum expiration */
    uint64_t            quantum_end;    /* time when current quantum ends */
    uint64_t            last_dispatch;  /* time of last dispatch */

    uint64_t            deadline;       /* current deadline */
    boolean_t               first_timeslice;                /* has the quantum expired since context switch */

    struct run_queue    runq;           /* runq for this processor */

    int                 runq_bound_count; /* # of threads bound to this processor */
#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_GRRR)
    struct grrr_run_queue   grrr_runq;      /* Group Ratio Round-Robin runq */

    processor_t         processor_primary;  /* pointer to primary processor for
                                             * secondary SMT processors, or a pointer
                                             * to ourselves for primaries or non-SMT */
    processor_t     processor_secondary;
    struct ipc_port *   processor_self; /* port for operations */

    processor_t         processor_list; /* all existing processors */
    processor_data_t    processor_data; /* per-processor data */


5.3 处理器集



struct processor_set {
    queue_head_t        active_queue;   /* active processors */
    queue_head_t        idle_queue;     /* idle processors */
    queue_head_t        idle_secondary_queue;       /* idle secondary processors */

    int                 online_processor_count;

    int                 cpu_set_low, cpu_set_hi;
    int                 cpu_set_count;

#if __SMP__
    decl_simple_lock_data(,sched_lock)  /* lock for above */

    struct run_queue    pset_runq;      /* runq for this processor set */

    int                 pset_runq_bound_count;
        /* # of threads in runq bound to any processor in pset */

    /* CPUs that have been sent an unacknowledged remote AST for scheduling purposes */
    uint64_t            pending_AST_cpu_mask;
     * A seperate mask, for ASTs that we may be able to cancel.  This is dependent on
     * some level of support for requesting an AST on a processor, and then quashing
     * that request later.
     * The purpose of this field (and the associated codepaths) is to infer when we
     * no longer need a processor that is DISPATCHING to come up, and to prevent it
     * from coming out of IDLE if possible.  This should serve to decrease the number
     * of spurious ASTs in the system, and let processors spend longer periods in
     * IDLE.
    uint64_t            pending_deferred_AST_cpu_mask;

    struct ipc_port *   pset_self;      /* port for operations */
    struct ipc_port *   pset_name_self; /* port for information */

    processor_set_t     pset_list;      /* chain of associated psets */
    pset_node_t         node;


以上只是介绍了Mach消息的一些原语,如需更详细的了解Mach消息的一些应用可以去阅读《深入解析Mac OS X & iOS操作系统》这本书,或者留意本人接下来得要点总结也可以直接访问我的博客


