知识点68 :V字母开头的单词 valiant-void

2017-05-20  本文已影响0人  相关知情人士

A valiant action is very brave and determined, though it may lead to failure or defeat


  1. If someone is gallant, they behave bravely and honourably in a dangerous or difficult situation
  2. If a man is gallant, he is kind, polite, and considerate toward women

If you describe someone or something as vapid, you are critical of them because they are dull and uninteresting


  1. If you describe food or drink as insipid, you dislike it because it has very little taste
  2. If you describe someone or something as insipid, you mean they are dull and boring

Vapour consists of tiny drops of water or other liquids in the air, that appear as mist


  1. When Ia liquid evaporates, or is evaporated, it changes from a liquid state to a gas, because its temperature has increased
  2. If a feeling, plan, or activity evaporates, it gradually becomes weaker and eventually disappears completely


  1. Varnish is an oily liquid that is painted onto wood or other material to give it a hard, clear, shiny surface
  2. If you varnish something, you paint it with varnish


  1. A garnish is a small amount of salad, herbs, or other food that is used to decorate cooked or prepared food
  2. If you garnish cooked or prepared food, you decorate it with a garnish


  1. You can use venom to refer to someone’s feelings of great bitterness and anger toward someone
  2. The venom of a creature such as a snake or spider is the poison that it puts into your body when it bites or stings you

If a financial asset is described as toxic, it is likely to cause significant loss to the holder

If you say that someone is vindictive, you are critical of them because they deliberately try to upset or cause trouble for someone who they think has done them harm


  1. Poison is a substance that harms or kills people or animals if they swallow it or absorb it
  2. If someone poisons another person, they kill the person or make them ill by giving them poison
  3. If you are poisoned by a substance, it makes you very ill and sometimes kills you
  4. If someone poisons a food, drink, or weapon, they add poison to it so that it can be used to kill someone
  5. To poison water, air, or land means to damage it with harmful substances such as chemicals
  6. Something that poisons a good situation or relationship spoils it or destroys it

an antibody that neutralizeds a toxin


  1. If someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol detoxifites, or if they are detoxified, they under go treatment which stops them from being addicted
  2. If you detoxify, or if something detoxifies your body, you do something to remove poisonous or harmful substances from your body
  3. To detoxify a poisonous substance means to change it chemically so that it is no longer poisonous

(of an alcoholic drink) to produce in (a person) a state ranging from euphoria to stupor, usually accompanied by loss of inhibitions and control; inebriate


  1. You use verbal to indicate that something is expressed in speech rather than in writing or action
  2. You use verbal to indicate that something is connected with words and the use of words
  3. In grammer, verbal means relating to a verb

forbidden; prohibited

proverb 谚语,格言)
A proverb is a short sentence that people often quote, because it gives advice or tells you something about life

Something that is viable is capable of doing what it is intended to do

If something is feasible, it can be done, made, or achieved

Deviation means doing something that is different from what people consider to be normal or aceeptable

Deviant behavior or thinking is different from what people normally consider to be acceptable

If you describe someone as devious you do not like them because you think they are dishonest and like to keep things secret, often in a complicated way

able to be penetrated

trivia 琐事)
Trivia is unimportant facts or details that are considered to be interesting rather than serious or useful

Someone who is vigilant gives careful attention to a particular problem or situation and concentrates on noticing any danger or trouble that there might be


  1. If something invigorates you, it makes you feel more energetic
  2. To invigorate a situation or a process means to make it more efficient or more effective

Vigilantes are people who organize themselves into an unofficial group to protect their community and to catch and punish criminals

If someone vegetates, they spend their time doing boring or worthless things


  1. A virtuoso is someone who is extremely good at something, especially at playing a musical instrument
  2. A virtuoso performance or display shows great skill


  1. Virginity is the state of never having had sex
  2. When you lose your virginity, you have sex for the first time

virile 阳刚的
If you describe a man as virile, you mean that he has the qualities that a man is traditionally expected to have, su as strength and sexual power

A loud, violent, and ill tempered women

The virtuosity of someone such as an artist or athelete is their great skill


  1. If you describe a situation or a feeling as a void, you mean that it seems empty because there is nothing interesting or worthwhile about it
  2. You can describe a large or frightening space as a void
  3. Something that is void or null and void is officially considered to have no value or authority
  4. If you are void of something, you do not have any of it
  5. To void something means to officially say that it is not valid
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