
【译文】How to Be Happy When You’re

2017-07-16  本文已影响0人  公子鸽儿



How to Be Happy When You’re in an Unhappy Situation


By Leo Babauta

Sometimes life throws you into a miserable situation, and it can seem pretty dark.Just a few examples of unhappy situations:


You lost a loved one

You received bad news

Your finances are messed up

You’re having a bad day at work

Your partner is mad at you or has broken up with you

You’re sick or really tired

You’re in pain

Someone has hurt you emotionally









These are terrible, and it’s normal to be pretty unhappy when things like this happen. You might wonder why life sucks so hard. Why can’t things be better?


Often things are out of our control, and we can’t always fix these situations, at least not easily or right away. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find happiness somewhere in that miserable situation.


Happiness is possible, if you learn a few simple techniques:


1. Allow yourself to be unhappy. When we’re feeling bad, feeling in pain, all we want is to get away from it. Ignore it, pretend you’re fine, comfort yourself from the pain, shield yourself, lash out in defensiveness, numb it with drugs, distract yourself. This is a very human response. But actually, wanting to get away from the unhappiness doesn’t make it better. It usually just prolongs the pain, makes problems worse. Instead, tell yourself that it’s OK to feel unhappy, it’s OK to feel pain

1. 允许自己不开心。当我们感觉不舒服、感到痛苦时,我们想要做的就是摆脱它,忽略它,假装你很好,安慰自己,保护自己,以防守的姿态猛烈反击,用药物麻醉痛苦,分散自己的注意力,这些都是很正常的反应。但实际上,想要摆脱不快乐并不能使情况变得更好,它通常只能延长痛苦,使问题变得更糟。相反,你应该告诉自己,感觉不快乐是没问题的,感到痛苦也是没有问题的。

2. See the pain as aliveness. Now that you’re face-to-face with the pain and misery, now that you’re touching it and intimate with it … see that in fact, it is a tender feeling of being alive. Life isn’t numbness and avoidance (at least, not exclusively), and it’s not all butterflies and sunshine. Being alive means feeling pain, feeling fear, feeling disconnected sometimes. Allow yourself to feel it, and imagine that this is what living feels like.

2. 把痛苦视为活力。现在你与痛苦和不幸面对面坐着,你正在触摸它,并与它亲密接触……感觉到了吗事实上,这是一种活着才有的温情。人生不是麻木和逃避(至少不仅仅只有麻木和逃避),也并不是总是快乐的。活着意味着感到痛苦,感到恐惧,感觉有时与外界失去联系。允许自己感受它,想像这才是生活的感觉。

3. Find gratitude somewhere. Being fully alive, being fully immersed in this experience of this moment … what is there to be grateful for? Even small things, like the sight of leaves outside trembling in the wind or someone laughing nearby. Or things we take for granted, like eyesight and music. Having relationships. … Find three happy things in this moment to be grateful for.

3. 找到值得感激的事物。活着并完全地沉浸在当前时刻的体验中....这样有什么值得感激的呢?有的,即使是非常小的事情都值得我们去感激,比如看到户外的树叶在风中摇摆、听到某人在附近好爽地大笑;也可以对那些我们认为理所当然的事务充满感激,比如我们的视力、音乐、拥有的关系......请试着在此时此刻找到三件值得感激的事物。

4. Find joy in being alive. You are alive! You should be singing from the hilltops. Even in our worst moments, we can find some joy in this not-small fact, that we are alive.

4. 从我们活着这件事儿中找到快乐。你还活着!就单单是这个事实都值得你站在小山顶上纵情高歌。即使是在我们最艰难的时刻,我们也可以从这个并不小的事实中寻找一些快乐,这个事实就是我们还活着。

Yeah, I know. It’s hard. I’m not saying that doing this will magically make everything better. But there’s always joy to be found in every moment, if we dare to look.


New words

1. miserable 英  ['mɪz(ə)rəb(ə)l]  美  ['mɪzrəbl] 

adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的

e.g. I took a series of badly paid secretarial jobs which made me really miserable.


2. suck 英  [sʌk]  美  [sʌk] 

vi. 糟糕

e.g. Today is very sucky,everything sucks.


3. pretend 英  [prɪ'tend] 美  [prɪ'tɛnd]

vi. 假装,伪装,佯装

e.g. I pretend that things are really okay when they're not.


4. defensiveness [di'fensivnis] 

n. 防御;防御性

e.g. Power struggles are common. Blame, judgment, criticism and defensiveness are likely outcomes.


5. prolong 英  [prə'lɒŋ] 美  [prəˈlɑːŋ] 

vt. 延长;拖延

e.g. Mr. Chesler said foreign military aid was prolonging the war.


6. aliveness 英[əˈlaɪvnəs]  美[əˈlaɪvnəs] 

n. 活力

e.g. This an absolute sense of peace and aliveness.


7. misery 英  [ˈmɪzərɪ] 美  ['mɪzəri] 

n. 痛苦,悲惨

e.g. All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy.


8. exclusively 英  [ɪk'skluːsɪvlɪ] 美  [ɪk'sklʊsɪvli] 

adv. 唯一地

e.g. They think this is exclusively about the video.


9. immerse 英  [ɪ'mɜːs] 美  [ɪ'mɝs] 

vt. 沉浸;使陷入

e.g. Their commitments do not permit them to immerse themselves in current affairs as fully as they might wish.


10. hilltop 英  ['hɪltɒp] 美  ['hɪltɑp] 

n. 小山顶

e.g. From the hilltop we saw the blue ocean below.



1.loved one 心爱的人

2.mess up 陷入困境;搞糟

3.break up (婚姻、恋爱关系) 破裂,分手

4.out of our control 不受我们的控制

5.lash out 猛击;猛烈抨击

6.take for granted 认为…理所当然


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