
2019-08-07  本文已影响0人  欢快相逢


the Qixi Festival(七夕) is a chinese festival that celebrates(庆祝)the annual meetng (每年相会一次) of the cowherd (牛郎) and weaver girl(织女)in chinese mythology (神话).

the general tale(传说) is about a love story between ZHinu (Vega织女星)and Niulang (Altair 牵牛星)。their love was not allowed (被许可),thus they were banished (被放逐)to opposit sides of the Silver River (天河 the Milky Way).

once a year on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month (阴历7月7),a flock of magpies would form a bridge(鹊桥) to reunite the lovers for one day 

on this day the chinese gaze to the sky (注视着天空)to look for Vega and Altair (牛郎织女星)shining in the Milky Way.

tales say (传说) that it will rain on this fateful day if there's crying in heaven.other tales say that you can hear the lovers talking if you stand under grapevines (葡萄架下) on this night .


