2018年5月,美国宣布退出伊核协议,并逐步开始进行制裁。11月5日,美国对伊朗的第二批制裁正式生效。新的制裁主要瞄准伊朗的能源、银行业等。制裁名单包括了50家伊朗银行,另外有700名伊朗个人和实体将面临制裁。不过美国表示,中国、韩国、印度、日本、意大利等8个国家和地区暂时获得豁免,仍可进口伊朗石油,前提是这些国家显著降低伊朗原油进口。很明显,美国的最终目标是完全终止伊朗的石油出口。受制裁影响,伊朗经济已经倍感压力。 5月以来,伊朗原油出口大幅下滑,下降100多万桶/日,损失已有20亿美元。本篇课程首发于2018年11月07日,选自 The Economist Espresso APP难度系数:
Last tanker out of Kharg: sanctions
① With the stroke of a pen, Iran will lose billions.
② On November 4th America will reimpose sanctions on the country's vital oil industry.
③ The measures were lifted in 2015 after Iran signed an agreement with six world powers committing it to limiting its nuclear programme.
④ But Donald Trump thinks the deal too lax and believes he can pressure Iran into negotiating a new one.
⑤ Worried about falling foul of American sanctions, many countries have stopped buying Iranian oil.
⑥ Exports have fallen by about 1m barrels per day since April.
⑦ Iran's economy was already collapsing, with the rial worth 72% less today than one year ago.
⑧ Whether this pressure will work is a different matter.
⑨ Iran does not trust Mr Trump and believes he is bent on regime change.
⑩ It is unlikely to give up funding and arming regional proxies, regardless of the price.
⑪ The self-styled dealmaker president may end up with no deal at all.
tanker /ˈtæŋkə/: n. 油轮;油罐车;空中加油飞机
sanction /ˈsæŋkʃən/: n. 制裁
the stroke of a pen: 大笔一挥
· stroke /strəʊk/: n.(绘画、写字等)笔划
reimpose /riːɪmˈpəʊz/: vt. 重新施加
· impose /ɪmˈpəʊz/: vt. 将……施加于
You can not impose your decision/opinion on others.
· impose sanctions on some country: 对某国实施制裁
lift /lɪft/: vt.(正式语境下使用)取消;终止
· The oil embargo was lifted.
· embargo /ɪmˈbɑːɡəʊ/: n. 禁令
commit /kəˈmɪt/: vt. 使……承诺
· commit sb. to doing sth.: 使某人承诺做某事
· sb. be committed to doing sth.: 承诺做某事
programme /ˈprəʊɡræm/: n. 计划;程序
lax /læks/: adj. 不严格的;涣散的
pressure /ˈpreʃə(r)/: vt. 迫使;给……施加压力
foul /faʊl/: adj. 难闻的;污秽的;非常令人不快的
· The toilet smells very foul.
collapse /kəˈlæps/: vi. 瓦解;暴跌
rial /ˈraɪəl, riˈɒːl/: n. 里亚尔币(伊朗货币单位)
be bent on (doing) sth.: 决意做某事
regime /reɪˈʒiːm/: n. 政权
proxy /ˈprɒksi, ˈprɑːksi/: n. 代理人
regardless of /rɪ'gɑːdlɪs, rɪˈɡɑːdləs/: 不管;不顾
self-styled: adj. 自封的