free to choose,自由选择,译者是当作正面褒义词来处理的。实际上,克的意思,就是禅家的“分别心、拣择”。
An action which is born out of a desire for achievement is no true action, it is limitation; whereas, action born out of the spontaneity of fullness is infinite. As we are free to choose, and our action is born out of that choice, and there is no discernment, our action is limited; it is not spontaneous. Whereas, when action is born through the discernment of right values—which comes only when you question intensely, as in a crisis—then such action is infinite and spontaneous, because it is not born out of choice.
翻译成“选择”,当然直白、准确,是没错的。但中文读者很难理解。至少译者、编辑没有理解这一段。分别、拣择,就是选定了某个立场、标准、模式,对事物进行判断,分出个善恶、高下,然后选定自己的立场。此时,we are free to choose,我们有自由的选择权(这似乎是非常值得赞扬的),而克恰恰以为,此时我们已经落入了立场的陷阱。比如,政治中,两个集团的对骂对峙,我们有自己站队伍的自由。实际上一旦选择了队伍,我们已经失去洞察力,而成为该立场的大喇叭而已。