亚马逊超严 Review 政策下,教你以下两招获得五星好评
Amazon review但是,一般情况下,买家给予商品的留评率非常低,甚至有的卖家产品留评率低于1%的都有。因此,很多卖家就会尝试以购买留评的途径去快速大量地增加评论。思来想去,既要符合亚马逊要求同时要保证效果且性价比高的,便是亚马逊索评邮件和站外促销了。
一般来说,三封的邮件索评是比较合适的策略。AMZFinder 每月有500封免费邮件,大家可以依照对应的模板按自己所需进行操作。
标题: Thanks for your order of the {{Product Name }}
正文:Hello {{ Buyer First Name }},
Thanks again for ordering our {{ Product Name }}!
The available tracking information shows that your item is outfor delivery today and you should be receiving it shortly. When you receiveyour item, please make sure to verify that it was not damaged in transit. Ifthere is any reason that you wouldn’t rate this as a 5-star experience, pleaselet us know. If everything looks fine, we would appreciate if you could take afew seconds to click the link below and rate this transaction. {{ SellerFeedback Link }}
We have spent a long time creating {{ Product Name }} and wouldlove to know what you think of it.
Some things that may help you enjoy the product better: ADD TIPS
In the meantime, you can view your order’s progress here: {{Order Link }}
We will follow up with you shortly to make sure that you arehappy with your purchase, but in the meantime don’t hesitate to reach out to usif you need anything!
Your name
发送亚马逊索评邮件标题: Following Up on Your Recent AmazonPurchase
正文:Hi {{ Buyer First Name }},
Thank you again for your order of {{ Product Name }}. Accordingto our records it was delivered about X days ago.
Please let us know right away if there is anything wrong with itso that we can correct it. And if you have any questions or concerns, we arehere to help!
I also have one small favor to ask you, if everything has gonesmoothly, I’d really appreciate it if you could take just a few seconds toleave feedback on your buying experience with us. It really affects our abilityto sell and be successful and would be greatly appreciated.
You can provide seller feedback here: {{ Product Review LinkButton }}
Your name
标题: I hope you’re loving your {{Product Name }}
正文:Hi {{ Buyer First Name }},
It’s been a few weeks since you received your {{ Product Name}}. I just wanted to see if you have any questions or concerns about {{ProductName}}. If you do, please do not hesitate to contact us. Furthermore, I hopeyou are truly loving our products and are happy with your purchase. As a smallseller on Amazon, we are largely dependent on product reviews from wonderfulcustomers such as yourself.
If our product has met or exceeded your expectations, pleasehelp us spread the word by leaving a review. You can do so here: {{ ProductReview Link Button }}
Your unbiased honest feedback helps ensure we keep doing thingsright and encourages us to keep sharing helpful tips! Thanks again!
Your name
但是,做站外促销也是有讲究的。一般情况下,大家常规的做法都是设置 Code,然后分享链接到社交平台,将流量导入产品 Listing 详情页面。
其一,这会导致大量无效的流量(只看却不购买)比例的增加,降低你的转化率。即便你从中获得了想要的评论,但要知道,亚马逊是非常看重转化率的,转化率降低,产品的排名也会波及。而且,现在貌似 Code 设置超过30% 以上,买家留的评不仅没什么权重,可能VP认证都没有,所以需要慎重。
其二,大量买家的涌入可能会造成疯狂下单的现象,导致库存被卖光,后续补货却跟不上,结果不但蒙受了销售损失,也会因为库存问题导致 Listing 排名下降。