一步一步学会分析阅读——CHAPTER 11
——如何阅读一本书笔记 10
Part 2 Analytical Reading
CH11Agreeing or Disagreeing with an Author

Understanding a book can be described as a kind of agreement between writer and reader.
Words & Phrases (每日五词)
1. be endowed with sth
to naturally have a particular feature, quality, etc.天生赋有,生来具有(某种特性、品质等)
She was endowed with intelligence and wit.
2.meeting of minds
a situation in which two people find that they have the same ideas and opinions and find it easy to agree with each other.意见一致
Government officials say there was a meeting of minds between the two leaders during the six-hour talks in Pretoria.
In fact, the whole process of interpretation is directed toward a meeting of minds through the medium of language.
3. cogent cogency
有说服力的;令人信服的;Acogentreason, argument, or example is strong and convincing.
4.flout /flaʊt /verb[with obj.]
openly disregard (a rule, law or convention)
公然藐视, 无视(规则, 法律, 惯例)
5. suffrage /ˈsʌfrɪdʒ/noun
[mass noun] the right to vote in political elections
选举权, 投票权。
Summary of chapter 11
In this chapter,the author tells us the rest part of the finial stage of analytical reading.If you disagree with an author and you want to conduct controversy, then there conditions must be satisfied.
1. acknowledge your emotions
2. make your own assumptions explicit
3. Make an attempt at impartiality
When you disagree with an author, using the below pointsas talking back
1. “You are uninformed”
2. “You are misinformed”
3. “You are illogical-your reasoning is not cogent”
4. “Your analysis is incomplete”: The author hasn’t solved all the problems he started with, or has failed to see the big picture or other side of the problem.
Books win the plaudits of the critics and gain widespread popular attention almost to the extent that they flout the truth—the more outrageously they do so, the better. Many readers, and most particularly those who review current publications, employ other standards for judging, and praising or condemning, the books they read—their novelty, their sensationalism, their seductiveness, their force, and even their power to bemuse or befuddle the mind, but not their truth, their clarity, or their power to enlighten.