Day 11, P114-125
1. In fact, the only thing that tipped me off that Christmas was coming was when Rodrick put his wish list up on the refrigerator.
tip sb off, to give sb secret information 向某人告密或通风报信; 暗示
例:Her mother red face tipped she off that she performed badly in that show.
2. I just thought it would be a really awesome fort for my toy soldiers.
fort, a strong building that is used for military defence. 碉堡;堡垒; 要塞
例:The Great Wall is a fort in ancient history.
3. He said he'd hook me up.
hook up, to connect sb/sth to a piece of electronic quipment or to a power supply. 将...接上电子设备或电源。这里我觉的是帮忙看着,然后搞定它。
例: You have to hook the power supply up when you want to open the computer.
4. The Giving Tree is basically a Secret Santa kind of thing where you get a gift for someone who is needy.
needy, 一开始以为是“那些需要的人”,一查字典发现是“贫困的”,the needy, 指代贫困的人;穷人。
例:She has been giving all this food to the needy since the flood destoried farmer's land.
5. But Manny made out like a bandit.
bandit, 土匪,强盗。
例: More and more peasants have become bandits in drought year.
1. But I have a secret weapon when it omes to Christmas.
结构: when it omes to..., 当提到...
造句: When it comes to new clothes and delicious food, I think it must be New Year.
2. I did find a couple things with my name on them, but they were mostly books and socks and stuff like that.
do, 这里用作强调。并没有和后面的动词find产生冲突,很多语境里为了加强都会动词前面加"do",而且其后的谓语动词必须使用原形。
例: She does like him, but he won't trust her anymore.
Today I left my phone in the office. I could just relax myslef instead of playing games. Then one thing came up in my mind. How could I hand in my daily reading group work tonight? However, If went back, I needed to pay again as I was already in the subway. Besides, only one night without homework, it's not big deal. But I guess when you saw this, you knew what happened in the end. I ended up going back to get my phone.