Coursea 笔记- Learn how to learn-

2021-01-15  本文已影响0人  开朗的灯笼草

Part 1-Focused versus diffuse thinking

Video 1-关于diffuse 和focus 两种learning mode

例证- Artist (Salvador Dalí) 和 inventor (Thomas Edison)利用diffuse mode和focus mode 来帮助思考的例子;

类比论证(analogy)-训练大脑的neural structure和训练肌肉类似,需要一点点,反复积累。

结论:大脑学习新知识的时候,需要时间一点点的消化,还需要利用两种learning mode 来回切换。

Video 2-大脑结构与学习的关系


2-借助现在的imaging 手段,我们发现在人体静止和活动的时候,大脑的活跃区域是不一样的。




With new optical techniques for imaging single connections between neurons called synapses, we can see constant turnover, with new synapses being formed and others disappearing. This raises a puzzle. 

In the face of so much turnover, how do memories stay stable over so many years? 

This is a picture of one dendritic branch on a neuron which receives inputs from other neurons. The synapses are on the spiny knobs coming off the dendrite. On the top, the dendrite was imaged before learning. The same dendrite is shown below after learning and after sleep. Multiple synapses that are newly formed together on the same branch are indicated by the white arrowheads. You are looking down into the brain of a live animal. This is really a fantastic new technique.

有了新的光学成像技术 单个神经元之间的连接 即突触 可以被观测到。新突触的不断形成使得其它突触消失 。由此便产生了一个疑问 


这是一张神经元上的树突分支的照片,它接收来自其他神经元的输入,突触是在从树突上延伸出的刺状点,在上面是学习前的树突成像,下面是学习后和睡眠后同样树突的成像。白色箭头标明的是同一树突分支上,一起形成的多个新突触 ,你看的是一个活体动物大脑的内部,这真是一项非常强大的新技术。

Part 2-Procrastination, memory and sleep

Video 1- 拖延症和pomodoro



Video 2- Practise

Practise makes permernent. 练习可以使新建立起来的微弱的神经元连接变得更加坚固和牢靠。

Video 3- memory

short-term memory (working memory) 和 long term memory

从短时记忆到长时记忆是需要时间和反复的练习。作者分享了spaced repeatition。 将练习分散在几天里比一天里反复练习的效果更好。

Video 4- sleep


1-wash away matabolic toxins

2-delete unimportant memory and strengthen more important ones

3- help learn complex knowledge and difficult task

Video 5- interview with Dr Terrence Sejnowski




通过思考和提问的方式,让被动学习变成主动学习,increase engament

3-关于如何有效学习新知识?他认为learning by doing 比learning by reading 更有效。

4-关于Multitask?it is not possible to efficiently do several tasks conciously. 人们需要的技能是switch back and forth between tasks. 因为我们一天有很多事情要处理,如果在各种琐事的事情中,穿梭自如是一门技能。

5- 对高中生和大学生的忠告?smart并不能保证成功,但是passion和persisitence 可以!


what do you do to help yourself learn more easily, when you're looking at something completely new?

How do you keep yourself paying attention during something like a boring lecture? 

what do you do to get into and take advantage of diffuse mode thinking?

do you multitask, or, or if you don't, how do you resist the urge to multitask when you want to multitask? 

How do you apply your knowledge of neuroscience, to your own learning? 

If you had any advice for a young high school or college student, about how to learn effectively, what would you say? 


总结了focus and diffused mode of thinking,long term memeory和 short term memory, 

the importance and trick (pomodoro)to tackle procrastination

importance of practise,sleep and exercise in learning process


