
2022-06-25  本文已影响0人  来这人间一趟



20220623对话文本 Anne and Sally,CJ,Lingyun,NIxiak,Elizabeth  and so on.

Hello, everybody. This is Anne and Sally speaking from York. It's good to talk again.


Hello, Alisa. Yes. I recognize your voice. It's really hot in York today. We are sat inside to avoid the sun. It's about 26 degrees. Maybe not too hot for you. What's the weather like in Shanghai?


CJ:Hello,Anne,good afternoon.My name is CJ,I am from Guangzhou.

Lingyun:Hello,Anne and everybody,My name is Lingyun,I come from Henan,Xinxiang, good afternoon.

NIxiak:In Shanghai,the weather is very hot,the lowest weather is 32 degrees,and the higher weather is 36 degrees.

Hello, Elizabeth. Yes, I remember you. What's the weather like where you are?


Yes. Hello, C.J. Nice to talk to you. Is the weather very good where you are?


What do you do? I don't think we've talked before. What is your work?


Hello, Linyun, do you have an English name? And what do you do? Where do you live?


Elizabeth:Yes Anne,in my city,today is cloudy and a little rainy. So Anne,how about your today,what do you do?

NIxiak:Today,I go a -----fire,something like a --

CJ:Nice to meet you,my job is an actor.

That is far too hot for me. I don't think I would go outside at all. You must be very brave.


Hello, Yubin, what is the famous food in yunnan? Hunan? I'm not good with these Chinese words. Sorry.


NIxiak:Oh,no no no,it is not very hot,and is not dangerous,it is just a little fire.

Yes, Yan. We know down south in England, the weather is not as good as where we are in the North. But you have had it very good in the last few days.


Hello, who is that boy talking?


Elizabeth, the weather here in York is really, really hot for us. Sally likes it. I am not too keen. We have been gardening.


Lingyun:when I was in college,I have an English name:future.and I am a doctor,I live in XinXiang,Henan province, that boy is my son.

Alisa, I can't quite understand what you've been doing today. Could you explain again?


NIxiak:But 21 is my birthday,I got a lot of presents,one of is fire and some ---

Nice to meet you too. How long have you been an actor?


Elizabeth:So Anne,now York is in deep summer,right? I learned the word from Sally’s video.

NIxiak:these something that I did.

How old is your son? And I am interested that you are a doctor. I was a nurse and midwife, but now retired.


Happy birthday for two days ago, I hope you enjoyed it.


Elizabeth: Anne,when I talk with you, I want to ask you many questions,and I want to learn many things,about England,about York,about you,but,I do not know how to say sometimes.

NIxiak:thankyou Anne.

Hello again, Elizabeth. You can ask any questions you like. You could ask Sally in Chinese and then she could translate and I will try and speak clearly. I don't know about deep summer. I haven't heard that expression. It's either early summer, mid summer, late summer in England.

你好,伊丽莎白,你可以问任何你喜欢的问题。你可以用中文问莎莉,她可以翻译,我会尽量讲清楚。我不知道什么是深夏,我没听过这种说法。在英国我们说初夏(early summer),仲 夏(mid summer),还有 夏 末(late summer)。

Alisa, thank you for that picture. I feel that you are very talented, very artistic. Would you agree?


CJ:About ten years.

Elizabeth:Yes,Sally,just now I review your video.And I remember wrong, the summer early summer, mid summer, late summer.

Good evening, Xiaoyu. Nice to meet you again. I remember you're from sally's hometown.


10 years. Is that in movies or plays? What is your latest film that you have done?


I agree, chilli is too spicy for me. I like spicy foods, but I can eat some spice. But in England it's very plain food.

我同意,辣椒对我来说太辣了。我喜欢辣的食物,但是我可以吃一些辣。但在英国,食物非常清淡(plain food)。

Elizabeth:So,Anne,plain food was welcome in England,right?

I think yours are even better. Is it a stamp that you got for your birthday?


Hello again. Did you say The Cafe on the Kite? When will that be there for people to see? Will it be in England at all?


Elizabeth:birthday gift is really very beautiful.

Xiaoyu:From Hunan

Yes, Elizabeth. We are introducing spicy foods. But the majority of people still like plain food.


Uh, so so what is it? I don't quite know how you've made them.


Do you like spicy food then if you are from Hunan?


Lingyun:My son is nine year’s old,when he heard that I was talking with you,he come to my room to have a look,he saw the video of you and your daughter,and want you to give some advises on learning.

Thank you. Yes, we would like to see it. Are you the main person in the film?

谢谢你!是的,我们想看。你是这部电影的主角吗?(main person)

CJ:Short film,about ten minutes.

Sally will talk to you later about how your son can learn. And I will talk to you later.


Could I ask you what area do you work in? What type of doctor?


NIXIAK:I have a piano test,--So my mother says you need to play the piano to us today.

Sally says that you are a neurologist. I understand that.



近义词n.specialist, medical specialist词组|习惯用语neurologist 神经学家;神经科专门医师

网络短语∶Neurologist A 神经学家neurologist U神经专家neurologist b神经专家Chiropractic Neurologist 科医生Medical Neurologist 全职神经内科医生THE NEUROLOGIST 药理学评论neurologist syndrome 库欣综合征

To be a good pianist, two hours doesn't sound like very much time. So I think you can do that. Yeah.要成为一名优秀的钢琴家,两个小时听起来并不长,所以我认为你可以做到。

NIXIAK:Yes,I do not like the piano ,I just need to have a piano test,you know nest year,I will go to the middle school,so I do not much time to play piano.

So you are a supporting actor in that film. That sounds like you are doing very well. You must be ambitious and keep going. One day I hope to hear your name in England.

所以,你是那部电影的男配角(supporting actor))。听起来你做得很好,你一定要有斗志,坚持下去。我希望有一天能在英国听到你的名字。(鼓励CJ)

Why do you want to play the piano. It doesn't sound like you are very happy about it.


NIXIAK:You know that play piano is not very happy,and it is boring.Because first i not do not like it,I like it,but if have me one day 2h,you know,piano is not --by boring.

Elizabeth:So Anne,do you often go to -to see the film,or do you go to the theatre in York?

CJ:OK,I will,I’m trying.

You also perform acupuncture. I know of that. My sister had some of that for her shoulder injury and she did very well with it. Did she? When?


NIXIAK:What do you do when you are free,because,you are retired so,you know.

Alisa, I know that practicing the piano is boring. But when you get better, the music is good. And people admire you. It is a good skill to have. You are very lucky. Many, many people do not have a piano and do not learn to love music.


CJ:Thank you very much,I will.

Before the pandemic, I went to the films to see once a week. The theatre less often. But when I can, I do. I live in Leeds. So I go to the theatre in Leeds, not York. But the movies, it's just about one Mile from where I live. So that is easy.


I have a lot of spare time, as you say. I am retired. I like gardening. I like walking. I like photography. And I also like travelling to different parts of the country with friends.


I forgot reading. I do a lot of reading about three books each week.


NIXIAK:OH my god,a week read three books,I can not do that.

Elizabeth:Oh,Anne,so wonderful.and what kinds book do you like to read.

Elizabeth, I like to read many kinds of books, but my favorite isdetectives.Do you read? And what is your favorite subject?detective侦探小说


Elizabeth:The detective novel is my favorite book now,but I like to listen to we-chat audio books有声书

NIXIAK:I like to read the fire fiction.

Elizabeth:Because i do not have much time to read book,but it is very convenient to listen to a book,somebody can read it to you.

You you like to listen to audio books. I think that's a good idea. But sometimes if I do that, I fall asleep.


NIXIAK:When i listen to my favorite book,I was fall asleep too.

Elizabeth:Yes,audio books because it is convenient when you driving,walking, anytime you can read audio books.

Yes, I understand that when you haven't a lot of time, that's good. But I have plenty of time. And I feel more relaxed sat quietly reading.


Elizabeth:Me too,when I want to go to sleep,I like to listen to audio book.Yes quietly reading is big different with listen to audio books.

My mother, when she was with us, she could not see very well. So audio books were very good for her, so I do appreciate them.


Yes. You you listen to audio books and you read books, it's slightly different.


NIXIAK:Anne,what book do you always listen?

Elizabeth:Thank you Sally.

I don't listen to audio books. I read a book in my hand. And that way I can escape from all my worries.


Elizabeth:At this week,I listen to audio book named the Disappearance of Thirteen Steps

CJ:Hellio,Anne,what do you do?

Hello, CJ. I am retired. I was a nurse and a midwife for my work. But that was ended 2009.


Longlong:I like reading Tao Te Ching.

Hello, Longlong. I have not heard of that book. What is it about?

你好,龙龙。我没听说过那本书。是关于什么的?(她没听说过道德经Tao Te Ching)

NIXIAK:So in your house there was a big garden for you to garden ?

Sally said the book is the Disappearance of Thirteen Steps. I do not know that book. What is it about?


Elizabeth:Yes I am looking for the dictionary how to say the book’s English name Disappearance of Thirteen Steps.The book talk about detective story.

NIXIAK:DO you like to read science fiction?I like to read it.

LongLong. I can't hear what you're saying. There is a disturbance on the line.


CJ:OH I see,it is a good work.

I read science fiction when I was about your age, but not anymore.


We need to say goodbye. But we will talk again. I have really enjoyed speaking to everyone. I hope you join us next week.




