
Too late To say love you

2019-03-03  本文已影响161人  鲜宇夫

People can't meet many right people in their lifetimes

Maybe hesitation, maybe not enough treasure, when it comes to understanding, everything is too late

If you meet the person you want, don't hesitate to say I love you

The world has how many spoony man will have how many sad woman

It doesn't matter if the other person says no, just smile and walk away

No one is who is the only one, only know whether to cherish

Looking back on the past years ,at least will not regret it

People learn to forget as they grow up

It's easy to like someone, but it's hard to tell I love you

Perhaps traditional culture is more depressing people’s freedom of thought

When meet someone you love, don't hesitate to tell

Not saying that never knowing the result and rejecting it in time is also an acceptable result

In fact, modern social feelings have long been luxury goods

People wear masks for a long time and can't go down

If you can love someone, at least your conscience remains intact

Don't hurt whether you love or not


