
第九章 使用 ^%ZSTART 和 ^%ZSTOP 例程自定义启

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第九章 使用 ^%ZSTART 和 ^%ZSTOP 例程自定义启动和停止行为 - 启用 %ZSTART 和 %ZSTOP



要停用一个或多个入口点,请使用相同的过程,但将值更改为 false


在最终环境中调试 ^%ZSTART^%ZSTOP 的机会非常有限。如果发生错误,错误将写入操作员消息日志,这是运行这些例程时的当前设备。该文件是 messages.log,位于 Manager 的目录中。



强烈建议在删除例程之前通过管理门户禁用入口点选项。如果门户警告需要重启 IRIS 才能生效,请在继续之前执行此操作。这保证在删除入口点时不会执行任何入口点。



以下示例演示了用于跟踪系统活动的简单日志。它显示了 ^%ZSTART^%ZSTOP 的示例,为方便起见,这两个示例都使用了第三个示例例程 ^%ZSSUtil 的子例程。

^%ZSSUtil 例子

该例程有两个公共入口点。将一行写入操作员消息日志文件。另一个将名称-值对列表写入本地日志文件。这两个文件都位于管理器的目录中,该目录由类中 %Library.FileManagerDirectory() 方法返回。

%ZSSUtil ;
    ; this routine packages a set of subroutines
    ; used by the %ZSTART and %ZSTOP entry points
    ; does not do anything if invoked directly

#define Empty ""
#define OprLog 1

WriteConsole(LineText) PUBLIC ;
    ; write the line to the messages log
    ; by default the file messages.log in the MGR directory
    new SaveIO

    ; save the current device and open the operator console
    ; set up error handling to cope with errors
    ; there is little to do if an error happens
    set SaveIO = $IO
    set $ZTRAP = "WriteConsoleExit"
    open $$$OprLog
    use $$$OprLog
    ; we do not need an "!" for line termination
    ; because each WRITE statement becomes its
    ; own console record (implicit end of line)
    write LineText
    ; restore the previous io device
    close $$$OprLog
    ; pick up here in case of an error
WriteConsoleExit ;
    set $ZTRAP = ""
    use SaveIO

WriteLog(rtnname, entryname, items) PUBLIC ;
    ; write entries into the log file
    ; the log is presumed to be open as
    ; the default output device
    ; rtnname: distinguishes between ZSTART & ZSTOP
    ; entryname: the name of the entry point we came from
    ; items: a $LIST of name-value pairs
    new ThisIO, ThisLog
    new i, DataString

    ; preserve the existing $IO device reference
    ; set up error handling to cope with errors
    ; there is little to do if an error happens
    set ThisIO = $IO
    set $ZTRAP = "WriteLogExit"

    ; construct the name of the file
    ; use the month and day as part of the name so that
    ; it will create a separate log file each day
    set ThisLog = "ZSS"
                _ "-"
                _ $EXTRACT($ZDATE($HOROLOG, 3), 6, 10)

    ; and change $IO to point to our file
    open ThisLog:"AWS":0
    use ThisLog

    ; now loop over the items writing one line per item pair
    for i = 1 : 2 : $LISTLENGTH(items)
        set DataString = $LISTGET(items, i, "*MISSING*")
        if ($LISTGET(items, (i + 1), $$$Empty) '= $$$Empty)
            set DataString = DataString
                           _ ": "
                           _ $LISTGET(items, (i + 1))
        write $ZDATETIME($HOROLOG, 3, 1),
              ?21, rtnname,
              ?28, entryname,
              ?35, DataString, !

    ; stop using the log file and switch $IO back
    ; to the value saved on entry
    close $IO
    ; pick up here in case of an error
WriteLogExit ;
    set $ZTRAP = ""
    use ThisIO

