
2017-06-19  本文已影响0人  漫西西

今天看了Tim Cook在MIT毕业典礼上的演讲,感受到了科技前沿人士的视野和情怀。他不但指出,人生的理想和目标应该是为全人类服务(to serve humanity),而且还提到技术是中性的,关键在于使用的人类。观点似乎不算新颖,但论述角度不同,实例很具说服力。

的确,虽然当今科技遇到了最好的发展时代,但最终科技本身解决不了所有问题,人类能拯救自己的只能是自身的人性,即humanity that everyone is born with。


--- 史蒂夫曾说过,科技本身是不够的。科技和人文的联姻才是能够震撼心灵的歌唱。

As Steve once said, technology along is not enough. It is technology married with the liberal arts married with the humanities that make our heart sing.

--- 如果说科学就是在黑暗中探索,那么人性就是黑暗中的烛光,为我们照亮走过的路,揭露前方隐藏的危险。

If science is a search in gthe darkness, then the humanities are a candle that shows us where we've been and the danger that lies ahead.

--- 科技能够成就伟大,但科技本身并不想成就伟大。因为技术本身是没有目的的。科技的这一特点需要我们所有人为之奋斗,需要我们的时间,需要我们对家人、邻居和社区的奉献,需要我们对美的热爱,需要我们的信念、正直和善良相互联系。

Technology is capable of doing great things. But it doesn't want anything. That part takes all of us. It takes our values and our commitment to our families and our neighbors and our communities, our love of beauty and belief that all of our faiths are interconnected, our decency, our kindnenss.

--- 我不担心人工智能能够让计算机像人类一样思考。我更担心人类像计算机一样思考--没有价值观,没有怜悯心,全然不顾后果。

I'm not worried about artificial intelligence giving computers the ability to think like humans. I'm more concerned about people thinking like computers without values or compassion, without concern for consequences.

--- 他(教皇)也用一种振聋发聩的方式表达了我们共同的挑战:人类从未拥有过如此强大的力量,但却没有任何能确保这种力量不被滥用的相应措施。

... He expressed a shared concern in a powerful new way: Never has humanity had such power over itself,yet nothing ensures it will be used wisely, he has said.


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