“to have“动词及其用法
1. 关于现代英语动词“to have”的记法和词源
“to have”动词是一个合起来的名称,记法同“to be”记法,是这种动词的多种变化形式的统称,在实际使用中有多种变化格式,它不等同于have,因为have只是其一种格式,to不是定式符号,也不是前置词to,只是一种标识符号。先看看它的词源内容——
古英语格式habban,表示“占有,拥有,从属于,经历,”来自于原始日耳曼语(Proto-Germanic) *habejanan (也可以说源于古挪威语(Old Norse)hafa,古撒克逊语(Old Saxon) hebbjan,古弗里西亚语(Old Frisian) habba,德语(German)haben,哥特语(Gothic ) haban ,表示“拥有(to have)”之意),来源于印欧语词根*kap-,表示“掌握(to grasp)”之意,虽然在格式和时态上与拉丁语habere相似,但是和它没有关系;*kap-对应的拉丁语的同源单词是capere (抓住(seize))。含义“拥有,具有支配权”(I have a book)是一种来自于更早语言的转换,拥有的事物被置为主语,而所有者使用采用与格(dative)(就像拉丁语est mihi liber 一样,“I have a book”从字面意义理解就是“There is to me a book.”) 古英语中也用于辅助动词(特别是用于当前完成时态);随着时间的推移,“to have”动词又承载了更多的功能;现代英语he had better可能是古英语的him (dative) wære betere. 用 have to 表示 "must" (始于1570年代),表示 "表义有义务去做某事" (古英语). 短语have a nice day作为商业交易后的寒暄语始于1970年的美式英语. 短语have (名词), will (动词) 始于1954年,最初来自喜剧演员 Bob Hope,格式为 Have tux, will travel; Hope称这是<<综艺>>中典型的杂耍广告, 表示一种愿望并准备在任何地方完成。
2. 动词“to have”的用法
动词“to have”是英语中第二个使用频率最高的动词,第一个是“to be”动词(英语中最重要的两个动词“to be”和“to have”)。说它们最重要,是因为在很多场景下,我们都使用它们作动词,并且也作为辅助动词使用,因此,很自然地就成了很多人学习词汇首要学习的动词。“to have”动词在句中可以用于三种不同的功能:作为主要动词(main verb),作为辅助动词(auxiliary verb),作为情态动词(modal verb)。
2.1 动词“to have”作为主要动词
动词“to have”是英语的核心动词之一,可以用于表达属格的拥有关系或所属关系,在这种用法中,它是一个及物动词,因此,后面必须直接跟宾语,“to have”的直接宾语可以是名词,名词词组,代词,或者数量词。
2.1.1主要动词“to have”的肯定格式
关于“to have”的缩写格式:
作为主要动词,尽管在一些常用表达中,经常见到简写格式’ve或’s,例如“I’ve an idea.”,但是动词“to have”一般不简写。简写格式更多见于当前完成时和过去完成时,但是需要注意,当简写时它是辅助动词,不是主要动词,主要动词总是保留had。
2.1.2 主要动词“to have”的否定格式
注意:作为主要动词时have/has的否定格式通常是do not have或does not has,或者它们的简写格式。作为辅助动词或情态动词have时,它们的否定格式与作主要动词时常用的否定格式不一样。格式haven't, hasn't, (have not, has not) 等等通常不用于主要动词的否定格式。缩写格式可用于英语除最正式场合以外的所有风格,口语和书面语。
例外情况:主要动词“ to have”在有的场合否定格式会借助辅助动词,注意一些常见的例外情况,例如“I haven't a clue”(=I don't know),或"I haven't the time";但是,第二种例外情况,也可以用更通用的说法 "I don't have (the) time" or "I haven't got time".
动词“to have”作主要动词的一些例子:
(1) I have an idea. 我有一个主意。(拥有关系)
(2) My father has three brothers and two sisters. 我的父亲有三个兄弟和两个姐妹。
(3) The doctor had a lot of experience. 这位医生经验丰富。
(4) He has three Rolls Royces and a Bentley. 他有三辆劳斯莱斯和一辆宾利。(所有权)
(5) Where are the scissors? Do you have them ? 剪刀在那儿?在你那儿吗?
(6) The house has eight windows and three doors. 这座房子有8个窗户和3扇门。
(7) I've had three phone calls so far today. 到目前为止,我已经接到了3个电话。(获得)
(8) Before getting into his car, he'd had six glasses of whisky.... 在上车之前,他已经喝了六杯威忌。
(9) "Romeo and Juliet" is a tragedy; it doesn't have a happy ending.
(10) I don't have any brothers or sisters. 我没有任何兄弟姐妹。
(11) We haven't had any complaints so far. 迄今为止,我们没有任何投祈。
(12) If he hadn't had those mushrooms, he wouldn't be ill.
2.1.3 have还是have got?
特别是在口语中,动词“to have”作为主要动词,表示拥有(own),占有(possess)或接收(receive),可以加入分词got加以巩固,这儿是同样的例句,当这是一种可能的选择时,加入got予以巩固——注意当前时态。
(1) I’ve got an idea. 我有一个主意。(拥有关系)
(2) My father has got three brothers and two sisters. 我的父亲有三个兄弟和两个姐妹。
(3) The doctor had a lot of experience. 这位医生经验丰富。(had=possessed)
The doctor had got a lot of experience. (had got = had acquired)
(4) He has got three Rolls Royces and a Bentley. 他有三辆劳斯莱斯和一辆宾利。(所有权)
(5) Where are the scissors? Have you got them ? 剪刀在那儿?在你那儿吗?
(6) The house has got eight windows and three doors. 这座房子有8个窗户和3扇门。
(7) I've got three phone calls so far today. 到目前为止,我已经接到了3个电话。(获得)
(8) Before getting into his car, he'd had six glasses of whisky.... 在上车之前,他已经喝了六杯威忌。(had=drunk)
(9) "Romeo and Juliet" is a tragedy; it hasn't got a happy ending.
(10) I haven't got any brothers or sisters. 我没有任何兄弟姐妹。
(11) We haven't got any complaints so far. 迄今为止,我们没有任何投祈。
(12) If he hadn't had those mushrooms, he wouldn't be ill.
2.2 动词“to have”作为辅助动词(auxiliary或helping)
2.2.1 辅助动词“to have”用于构成其它动词的当前完成时和过去完成时
I will have walked ten miles today. 今天我将会走完10英里。
I could have been walking. 我本可以走路。
They must have been walking for ten hours. 他们一定已经走了10个小时了。
2.2.2 辅助动词“to have”的缩写格式
作为辅助动词, have, has 和had,当表示这是可能性的时候,经常缩写为 've, 's and 'd, ——即.位于代词之后,但这取决于英语使用的类型。
(1) 在书面英语中(In Written English), 可以使用缩写格式,但是在代词主题之后不常见; 名词主题之后不使用缩写格式。
(2) 在英语口语中( In oral / spoken English),在代词主题之后,甚至在正式坐话中,通常使用缩写格式,但不是必须的。甚至英格兰女王很可能会说“I’ve had a good day”, 而不是说"I have had a good day." 尽管如此,在名词主题之后,也可能听到缩写格式的说话,即使用在书面话中不会这样。例如,一个新闻记者可能会这样写"The Prime Minister has appointed a new team."但是一个电视台记者可能会说: "The Prime Minister's appointed a new team."
2.2.3 辅助动词“to have”的否定格式
辅助动词“to have”和三种形式have, has和had的标准否定格式是haven't, hasn't 和hadn't。例如: I haven't finished my lunch. More examples below.
注意: 使用do的格式 (don't have, doesn't have 等) 从来不使用助动词have的否定格式, 只有主要动词have才使用do格式的否定格式。
局部变体:来自英格兰的说话人可能会说: I haven't seen it but I hadn't told you。但是来自苏格兰的说话人会像这样说: I've not seen it, but I'd not told you,或者甚至会说I havna seen it, but I hadna told you.
Ain't,注意单词ain't, haven't 或 hasn't的比较流行的变体,例如用在滚石乐队经典曲"I ain't got no satisfaction"。
2.2.4 辅助动词“to have”的被动格式
You could have been seriously injured.
They must have been dreaming.
使用动词“to have”作情态动词的一些例子:
(1) I have finished my lunch / I've finished my lunch. 我已吃过午饭。
(2) The president has chosen his new team. 这任总统已选好他的新团队。
(3) The president's chosen his new team (这种格式可能是口语中,书面语中一般不这么用。)
(4) The children had gone home five minutes earlier than usual.
(5) The captain had told his team to play hard in the final minutes of the game.
(6) The president has not yet arrived / The president hasn't yet arrived. 总统还没到达。
(7) Until I lived in London, I hadn't been on a double-decker bus.
(8) Have you seen the light Mr. Jones ? 你看到亮光了吗,Jones先生?
(9) Hasn't the rain stopped yet ? 雨还没停吗?
2.3 动词“to have”作为情态动词(modal)
动词“to have”作为情态动词,主要是用于have to结构,含义同must。must仅存在简单的当前时态和当前完成时态。当前时态可以表达义务(obligation),必要性(necissity),确定性(certainty),而当前完成时仅可以表示一种强烈的感觉的选择或建议。
如果需要使用其它时态,说话人或写作人必须使用must的近义词“have to”,这个情态动词具有所有的通用时态,包手进行时(progressive) 或连续时(continuous);这并不常用,但是在某些情况下需要。
有时候使用 "had not to" ,但通常认为这种风格太旧。
在英语口语中,当仅有当前时态时,have to通常使用got具体化。例如,使用I’v got to 替换I have to。
must和have to的示例用于表达下面的含义:
a. 坚定的义务或必要性;
b. 确定性或强列的可能性;
c. Must have 仅表达 : 建议。
a1) You must see a doctor at once ! 你必须立马看医生!
a2) I have to be at school tomorrow at 8 a.m. I have an exam !
a21) I've got to be at school tomorrow at ..... 明早在……点我必须到学校。
a3) You mustn't touch that plate, it's too hot. 你不能触碰那个盘子,它太烫。
a4) I had to see a doctor, because I felt very sick. 我早该去看医生,因为我感觉不舒服。
a5) I had to break the window ! I lost my key ! 我必须破窗而入,因为我钥匙丢弄了。
a6) The manager isn't here, he's had to go to Washington on urgent business.
b1) He must be over eighty, he was born in 1930.
b2) If my brother's not in London, he has to be in New York.
c1) I can't find my laptop, I must have left it in the train.
c2) If they're out, they mustn't have heard the news.
注意正确区分 "had to" 和"must have"。
They had to go to London = They were obliged to go to London
They must have gone to Chicago = In my opinion, they have certainly gone to Chicago.