The 7 Principles of Leave No Tra
When outdoor visitors plan ahead and prepare, it helps to accomplish trip goals safely and enjoyably while simultaneously minimizing damage to the land. Poor planning often results in a less enjoyable experience and damage to natural and cultural resources.
The Basics:
- Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you’ll visit.
- Prepare for extreme weather, hazards, and emergencies.
- Schedule your trip to avoid times of high use.
- Visit in small groups. Split larger parties into smaller groups.
- Repackage food to minimize waste.
- Use a map and compass to eliminate the use of rock cairns, flagging, or marking paint.
together, at the same time
The game will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and radio.
an official rule made by a government or some other authority
Under the new regulations, all staff must have safety training.
something that is important to a person, an organization, etc.
What are your main concerns as a writer?
something that may be dangerous, or cause accidents or problems
They took steps to eliminate all potential fire hazards.
a pile of stones that marks a particular place, especially at the top of a mountain