晨读 DAY 10 | 有趣的工作?无聊的工作?

2019-01-18  本文已影响86人  立里_ph

1. rose VS 肉丝


2. 省力的r,舌头往回缩;

3. 元音前后t是flip t,像快速的d,r后面的t也是这样,比如reporter;

4. grown up成人,可以连读

5. I don't see my grandchildren very much. 这里的very much不需要重读,更不需要只重读very。

6. paris,Alice这里的i和a都弱读成倒e;

7. really 更省力的读法:ri-ly;

8. librarian /laɪbreriən/ photographer;

9. power,drawing /'drɔːɪŋ $ 'drɒː/ drawer,这里注意音标,w都不要撅嘴;

10. 好用的表达

(1) 实际的,务实的:practical,pragmatic

(2) 如果我没记错的话:

• If I remember/recall correctly...

• If my memory serves me right

(3) menial job: boring, needs no skills, not important

晨读 DAY 10 | 有趣的工作?无聊的工作?


• 消极的:low-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end, repetitive;

• 积极的:well-paid, creative, demanding, rewarding, challenging, promising

(4) 我得走啦,XXX要晚了。

I have to run now. I'm late for my train/class/work. I'm glad I ran into you.

(5) 出生在...家庭

• born in + 地点

• born into + XXX family

• born to + XXX parents

I was born in China on December 12th at hospital.

I was born into single-parent/ academic/ ordinary family.

I was born to a rich father/ a famous star.

非婚生:born out of wedlock

新生儿:a newly-born child

大儿子:firstborn son

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