

2019-04-10  本文已影响0人  双语微信公众号英语思维看世界


According to a recent documentary, 368 people have died over the past 5 years in Japan due to working too much. What are your thoughts on this issue ?



It is true and very sad. The fact is that 99% of humans can't function properly without 8 hours sleep. Productivity diminishes when people are tired. So the whole situation is bullshit! The workers are destroying their health and the company isn't getting anything productive from them.

我还从来没听说过哪个英国人工作致死呢!我们有个短语叫"burn out",是指人们因为无法继续工作而不得不停止。从法律上讲,在英国,(雇主/公司)必须为人们的(工作)时间买单。所以,如果在麦当劳工作50个小时,他们没办法不支付加班费。如果有固定工资的话,那要取决于签的合同了。不过,不管怎么样,在麦当劳工作是不会有固定工资的。

I have never heard of anyone in the UK literally working to death! We have a phrase "burn out" where people have to stop working because they can't continue. Legally, you have to pay people for the time they work in the UK. So if you work at McDonald's and you do 50 hours, there is no way they can't pay you the overtime. If you have a fixed salary, then it depends on your contract, but you won't have a fixed salary with McDonald's anyway.



I work 8 hours a day in the UK, but I am valued on productivity. If I can resolve multiple IT issues within a good time, I often have the freedom to take a break or leave the office to buy a coffee or snack as a reward. It is quite nice to feel valued! (However, if my skills are needed, I feel happy to give more time, because I feel respected. )



Singapore has very strict labour laws, but that does not stop employers and companies from bending the rules. Over the past 5 years, we have seen more mentally ill people, deaths, murders and crimes committed. Whether this is due to the fact that there are companies that bend the labour laws, or the fact that Singaporeans are overworked, or other reasons…… Well, we are not as happy as the news report us to be and we will never be that happy, either……

节选自:双语微信公众号 【英语思维看世界】



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