English & 中文
micro-bend in the knees 微微屈膝
knee over ankle 膝蓋在腳踝正上方
point toes to ground 腳趾尖朝向地面
lift your back leg 抬起後腿
legs parallel to the floor 雙腿平行於地面
open your legs wide 雙腿大大打開
breathe into the hamstrings 把呼吸帶到腿部後側(腘繩肌)
sit on your heels 坐在腳後跟上
catch hold of your left big toe 抓住左腳大腳趾
sink your hips 髖往下沈
lengthen the spine to avoid compression 拉長脊柱,避免擠壓
use back muscles to lift up 利用背部肌肉來上提
shoulder blades draw toward each other 肩胛骨彼此靠攏
look over your left shoulder 看向左肩(延長線)
collarbones broad 鎖骨展開
no tension in your neck 脖子不要緊張
back of neck long 頸部後側拉長
don't collapse your shoulders 肩膀不能往下塌
arms by ears 手臂在耳朵兩側
hold your ears with your knees 膝蓋夾耳
place your forehead on the mat 前額放在墊子上
hold your face 托住臉
tuck your head in 頭部往內收
tuck your chin in slightly 下巴微微內收
grab opposite elbows 互抱手肘
gaze forward and down 眼睛往前往下看
shift your weight forward 重心前移
weight evenly distributed 重心均勻分布
arch up 向上拱
jump through into your boat 向前穿越到船式
roll up to the balance point 向上滾動至平衡點
roll to your forehead 滾動至前額
free breathing 自由地呼吸