
Book Report on Pride and Prejudi

2016-10-03  本文已影响205人  曦城365

Book Report on Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice, fabulousas it is, gives us a vivid account of rural life and a wonderful love story inEngland in the 18th century.

Theauthor, Jane Austen, described a complicated society, providing us with a goodknowledge of the values at that time. It is believed that a man’s marriage isrelated to his possession. However, true love has nothing with that. Thediscussion of a love story between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth will be illustratedin the next paragraphs.

Elizabeth,the heroine, considered as a strong-minded woman, thought that marriage was notequivalent to wealth and status. She held herself in high esteem and did not get along well with Mr. Darcy (the hero) at first. In fact, it was misunderstandingthat made them apart from each other. On the one hand, Mr. Darcy did not heed the self-esteem of Elizabeth, which impressed her with arrogance. On the otherhand, Elizabeth despised his haughty appearance.

However,they got married at the end of the book. Though Mr. Darcy was thought to be pridefulwith lots of money, he abandoned the old belief that he deserved a noble woman.He fell in love with Elizabeth at the first sight of her. Elizabeth was alsodeeply attracted by his sincere heart and pure love. They eliminated prejudiceand stayed true to their heart, which made them cherish their love.

With a happy ending, this book instructs us to find our way in the journey of love. Nowadaysquite a few people take possession as the first indispensable standard when they find their partner. From this book, it can be seen that wealth is not the primeconsideration in the marriage. What matters is not the possession, but the feelingof happiness.

In a nutshell, this book tellsus not only a love story, but also the truth of love. It reveals that we aresupposed to pay heed of our genuine feeling when we choose our partner. Only inthis way, can we probably possess faithful love.

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