“写作替换词句积累”系列从《经济学人The Economist》、《时代周刊 Time》《连线 Wired》等著名刊物(大学四级、六级、托福及SAT题源)中提取适用于托福、雅思及SAT写作中的替换词句。希望能够帮助童鞋们积累优秀的表达,并活用到自己的作文中,优化辞藻。
1. 今昔对比
主语, once considered + adj., is/are now + adj.
E.g. Such calamities, once considered freakish, are now commonplace.
Teachers were more appreciated and valued by society in the past than they are nowadays. (TPO 41) 在作文首段可以改写题目为:
Teachers, once considered respectable, are now of dubious reputation.
2. 事与愿违
It is tempting to think (长句描述) . In fact, it is (短句转折) .
E.g. It is tempting to think these are temporary setbacks and that mankind, with its instinct for self-preservation, will muddle through to a victory over global warming. In fact, it is losing the war.
2016年5月北美 Eric Klinenberg, “Viewpoint: Air-Conditioning Will Be the End of Us.” ©2013 by Time Inc.
作者在前文认可了AC的发明拯救了老人和病弱者的生命,提高了办公室产能,确保了工厂的安全等优点。但在后文提出 Americans need to greatly reduce their reliance on air-conditioning. 这一主旨。
It is tempting for readers to think those are profound merits for all classes and that air-conditioning is more than a great invention. In fact, it spells much trouble.
Yet none of these fixes/solutions will come to much unless … is tackled head on.
E.g. Yet none of these fixes will come to much unless climate listlessness is tackled head on.
4. 几个词组
关注度在上升:Public concern is picking up.
呼吁群体意志:fire up the collective will
致力于/辛勤(研究): beaver away on sth.
另,pick up 一词多义,还有“习得” pick up a hobby;“拾取” pick up after dog 即拾取狗狗的xx
–The Economist 2018.8.4 In the line of fire - Leaders
作者: Rena