2017年4月13日 周四
Passover meal tonight!
睡到八点醒来, 又没听到闹钟。可能真是是对闹钟铃声免疫了。一点儿工作的兴致都没有。干脆去麦当劳吃个早点,去教堂找Chris。 很感激chris是个热心的人,他关心你的进步,他想帮助你。生命中能碰到几个这样的人呢?
Words from Chris:
1. He found it wrong that someone wanted all problems settled in music learning, because you can never know everything.(边学边用。在战争中学习战争,你永远不能完全准备好)
2. You have to set goals beyond reality because you might always achieve goals on half way. So if you want to go somewhere, set the destination a little ahead of it.(which I may not agree. The most efficient way of learning is to make a clear goal and force yourself to get to it in a deadline. If you are not forced, you'll always have an excuse).
3. Time is resource. It all depends on how you use it. Like a R100 note. You can use it wastefully. And you can make every penny counts. If you have 5 minutes, make full use of it. Rather than complaining that why you don't have 2 hours. Lack of time can never been an excuse.
昨晚听了稻盛和夫的《干法》。 听到他如何一心扑在工作上,回想起几句话:
Find something that you really care about and keep tremendously interested.
When you truly value something, stay committed.
stay hungry, stay foolish
如果你真的对某事有了足够的热情的话。到了也不能寐,食不甘味的程度, 没有事是不成的吧?就像稻盛和夫吃住在实验室,踢倒松香的时候有了灵感。那就是天人合一的境界。到了那个境界,甚至你不能解决的事情自然会有神帮助你。且只有到了那个境界,你才能成功。我深信不疑。