【Vicky's 影评 】《镰仓物语》: 你会为了爱的人

本片是由堺雅人主演的,什么?你不知道雅人叔是谁?赶紧去看看《Legal High》和《半泽直树》!!!女主角则是由最近传出喜讯的高畑充希饰演。老夫少妻的搭配,温暖和欢笑交织。这部电影的评论喜忧参半,褒奖的大多集中在立意和场景设置上,批评的主要是指剧情过于拖沓。



English Version
It rained heavily in Hangzhou this weekend. I planed to go out and take some pictures to write posts. Because of the rainstorm, I had a reason to stay at home. It was a perfect afternoon to watch a heart-warming movie, and I suddenly remembered a movie called Destiny: Kamakura Monogatari, which regarded as the Japanese version of Monster Hunt and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
The Plot Synopsis
Kazakura, who was born in Kamakura, is an unsuccessful mystery writer and police detective consultant. When he was a little boy, he doubted that whether he was an illegitimate child. As a result, though he is popular with women, he still harboured the idea of celibacy. All changed when he in the face of the editor, Yakoko, who was more than a decade younger than him.
The couple quickly fell in love and settled back in Kamakura after they got married. They lived with an old woman, who was already hundred years old, and she was in a good body condition. I thought the days would go on like this, but Yakoko has be targeted by the monster of the underworld.
He first tricked the couple into eating the poisonous mushrooms that would break out of their souls after humans ate them. Later, when Yakoko on her way to find Kazakura, she was tripped and the monster stole her body. Yakoko became a spirit, and she did not want her husband to lose his life to save her. After leaving a letter, she initiatively followed the death on the road to the netherworld.
However, the husband who has always had the tendency to escape from reality finally stopped shrinking away and decided to take his wife back to the world.
The film's hero is Masato Sakai, and the heroine is Mitsuki Takahata, who recently declared that she would get married. The film's reviews have been mixed. The positive comments focused on intent and scene setting, while the negative comments mainly about the indecisive and sloppy of the plot.
Dilatory Plot? NO!!
When I wrote this film review, I read the comments of Douan Film and found that there were many comments that said: the previous story was too long, many of them were meaningless, and the climax came too late.
I don't deny that I like movies with high speed, and movies described at great length will make me sleepy, like A Brighter Summer Day. However, the story of Kamakura Monogatari is not dilatory. Neither the Goblins Market nor the Impoverished God living with them is meaningless. In addition, the increasing love between Kazakura and Yakoko foreshadowing the later story.
I remembered that once I read about the definition of Delayed Gratification, which means leaving something delicious for the last time, rather than eating it immediately. I think that a good movie is a test of people's delayed gratification. As the plot progresses, you will find the foreshadows of the characters previously arranged, which will be reflected in the end.
The Dazzling Scene
The one-way tram that leads the spirits between Kamakura and the underworld every morning is truly impressive. It's easy to think of A Voyage of Chihiro when the tram is moving on overhead tracks.
The Enoshima Dentetsusen we are talking about appears in the classic scene of the ending song in the Slam Dunk, which is also a must-see scenic spot for a trip to the Island of Rriver.
The netherworld in this story is no longer the horrible appearance in our impression. In the film, it's more like a beginning of a new life. The appearance of the netherworld depends on the imagine in your mind. As a consequence, a thousand people are likely to have the appearance of a thousand netherworld.
Every time the Enoshima Dentetsusen delivered people to the netherworld, relatives and friends who have passed away before will greet them at the station. If we live in this way after we passed away, will it reduce our fear of death?
(to be continue)