Realistic Dynamic Facial Texture
- We present a novel method to realistically puppeteer and animate a face from a single RGB image using a source video sequence.
- fitting a multilinear PCA model to obtain the 3D geometry and a single texture of the target face.
- dynamic per-frame textures that capture subtle wrinkles and deformations corresponding to the animated facial expressions
- dynamic textures cannot be obtained directly from a single image
- not possible to obtain actual images of the mouth interior.
- a Deep Generative Network that can infer realistic per-frame texture deformations of the target identity
By retargeting the PCA expression geometry from the source, as well as using the newly inferred texture, we can both animate the face and perform video face replacement on the source video using the target appearance.
本文所要达成的目标是,把一张静态的二维的人脸,移植到另一张动态的人脸的视频上。首先,用PCA模型给人脸构建3D模型,其次,捕获人脸动态的皱纹等细节特征。由于动态的皮肤特征没法直接从一张图片中获得,而且口腔中牙齿等特征几乎没有,本文引入了conditional GAN来生成这些缺失的特征。
1. Introduction
前人的工作主要有video rewriting, face replacement还有realtime video reenactment. 它们的局限性是,都需要经过处理过的高清视频作为输出。而本文的方法是,从一张图片中生成脸部表情视频。
2. Related Work
2.1 Facial retargeting and Enactment
2.2 Capturing and Retargeting Photorealistic Mouth Interior
2.3 Deep Generative Model for Texture Synthesis
3. Overview
Our pipeline consists of the following steps (illustrated in Fig. 1):

- Fit a 3D model to extract static albedo textures from each frame in the source video sequence and the single RGB target image (Section 4).
- Infer dynamic textures and retarget the per-frame texture expressions from the source video frames onto the target image texture using a generative adversarial framework (Section 5).
- Composite the target mesh with the generated dynamic textures into each frame in the source video (Section 6).
4. Fitting the Face Model

5. Dynamic Texture Synthesis

5.1 Deep Learning Framework

5.2 Loss Function

5.3 Network Architecture

wiki: UV mapping is the 3D modeling process of projecting a 2D image to a 3D model's surface for texture mapping.
5.4 Mouth Synthesis

Optical flow or optic flow is the pattern of apparent motion of objects, surfaces, and edges in a visual scene caused by the relative motion between an observer and a scene.
6. Video Face Replacement via Blending
6.1 Graph-Cut
7. Experiments
7.1 Data Collection
7.2 Data Augmentation
7.3 Training and Testing
8. Results
8.1 Comparisons