

2018-04-15  本文已影响0人  lele乐

9.First, fessing up to the problem,the physical manifestation,how I would feel,how the listener might feel.And then accounting for things like my shaky voice,and I knew I would be singing about a half-octave higher than normal,because I was nervous.By having a song that explained what was happening to me.While it was happening,that gave the audience permisson to think about it.They didn't have to feel bad for me because I was nervous,they could experience that with me,and we were all one big happy,nervous,uncomfortable family.

fessing up  承认;physical  adj.身体上;manifestation  n.表现,显示;accounting for 对   负有责任,对    做出解释;shaky  adj.颤抖的;half-octave 半个八度音节。

10.By thinking about my audience,by embracing and exploiting my problem,I was able to take something that was blocking my progress,and turn it into something that was essential for my success.And having the stage fright song let me get past that biggest issue right in the beginning of a performance.And then I could move on,and play the rest of my songs with just a little bit more ease.And eventually,over time,I didn't have to play the stage fright song at all.Except for when I was really nervous,like now.Would it be okay if I played the stage fright song for you?Can I have a sip of water?

embrace  拥抱;   exploit  开发;    block  阻止,限制;   essential  重要的; get past 通过,解决;    in the beginning of  在开始;  ease  减轻;   eventually 最终;  a sip of 一小口

11.I'm not joking,you know,this stage fright is real.And if I'm up here trembling and singing. Well,you'll know how I feel.And the mistake I'd be making,the tremolo caused by my whole body shaking.As you sit here feeling embarrassed for me.Well,you don't have to be.And maybe I'll try to imagine you all without clothes.But singing in front of all naked strangers scares me more than anyone knows.

trembling  vt. 发抖,颤抖;  tremolo  颤音; embarrassed adj.尴尬的,窘迫的; naked 裸体的;scares vt.惊吓


