苹果APNS push推送错误定位/错误码
2020-01-10 本文已影响0人
Status code | Error string | Description |
400 | BadCollapseId | The collapse identifier exceeds the maximum allowed size |
400 | BadDeviceToken | The specified device token was bad. Verify that the request contains a valid token and that the token matches the environment. |
400 | BadExpirationDate | The apns-expiration value is bad. |
400 | BadMessageId | The apns-id value is bad. |
400 | BadPriority | The apns-priority value is bad. |
400 | BadTopic | The apns-topic was invalid. |
400 | DeviceTokenNotForTopic | The device token does not match the specified topic. |
400 | DuplicateHeaders | One or more headers were repeated. |
400 | IdleTimeout | Idle time out. |
400 | MissingDeviceToken | The device token is not specified in the request :path. Verify that the :path header contains the device token. |
400 | MissingTopic | The apns-topic header of the request was not specified and was required. The apns-topic header is mandatory when the client is connected using a certificate that supports multiple topics. |
400 | PayloadEmpty | The message payload was empty. |
400 | TopicDisallowed | Pushing to this topic is not allowed. |
403 | BadCertificate | The certificate was bad. |
403 | BadCertificateEnvironment | The client certificate was for the wrong environment. |
403 | ExpiredProviderToken | The provider token is stale and a new token should be generated. |
403 | Forbidden | The specified action is not allowed. |
403 | InvalidProviderToken | The provider token is not valid or the token signature could not be verified. |
403 | MissingProviderToken | No provider certificate was used to connect to APNs and Authorization header was missing or no provider token was specified. |
404 | BadPath | The request contained a bad :path value. |
405 | MethodNotAllowed | The specified :method was not POST. |
410 | Unregistered | The device token is inactive for the specified topic. |
Expected HTTP/2 status code is 410; see Table 8-4. | ||
413 | PayloadTooLarge | The message payload was too large. See Creating the Remote Notification Payload for details on maximum payload size. |
429 | TooManyProviderTokenUpdates | The provider token is being updated too often. |
429 | TooManyRequests | Too many requests were made consecutively to the same device token. |
500 | InternalServerError | An internal server error occurred. |
503 | ServiceUnavailable | The service is unavailable. |
503 | Shutdown | The server is shutting down. |