
2018-12-18  本文已影响10人  2a5e6a04341e


撅嘴版的倒v音 不需要张大嘴巴


1. cushion the blow 减少打击

[VERB 动词] 减轻(令人不快的影响);To cushion the effect of something unpleasant means to reduce it. [V n] [V n against n]

2. It isn't good for you.=It doesn't do you any good.

3. -ish

A. [SUFFIX 后缀] (加在形容词之后构成形容词)表示“稍带…的”,“有点儿…的”;-ish is added to adjectives to form adjectives which indicate that someone or something has a quality to a small extent. For example, something that is largish is fairly large.

B. [SUFFIX 后缀] (用于名词和姓名之后构成形容词)表示“像(某类人或事物)的”,“有…特征的”;-ish is added to nouns and names to form adjectives which indicate that someone or something is like a particular kind of person or thing. For example, 'childish' means like a child, or typical of a child.

C. [SUFFIX 后缀] (用于表示时间、日期、年龄的词之后)表示“…前后的”,“…左右的”;-ish is added to words referring to times, dates, or ages to form words which indicate that the time or age mentioned is approximate.


