The Office-S05E05

2020-07-04  本文已影响0人  carrie_yu

food court

pasteurized milk 巴氏杀菌

monotheism 一神教

preventative medicine 预防性的



surge plug或者surge stip

如果有保险丝或者开关保护的叫做surge protector

如果特指6个插孔或者12插孔什么的叫做6-outlet surge strip or 12-outlet surge strip

recoup 补偿 "recoup their losses"

auction off: ​to sell something at an auction, especially something that is no longer needed or wanted. The army is auctioning off a lot of surplus equipment.

sorority: a society for female students in a university or college, typically for social purposes.

lookie loo: A term for someone who looks at something with no intention of buying it.

pump something up: increase.

batter 连击

squeak: a short, high-pitched sound or cry. "the door opened with a slight squeak"

stick (one's) nose in(to) (something): To involve oneself in an intrusive or nosy manner into something that is not one's business or responsibility. ... Liam, don't stick your nose into your brother's affairs—he can manage well enough on his own.

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