20170117 [中英互译] 打造超强战斗力的团队,最重要的是
The Three Top Important Things to Cultivate a Team with High Combat Effectiveness

Introduction: Three factors lead to a good team
First, system. System is a rule that all the team members should obey. It could promote the consistency of team and guarantee the step by step implementation of the work.
Second, working standard. Working standard is used for business development and guideline for work in order to avoid careless and variation.
Third, combat effectiveness of team. The combat effectiveness is invisible but crucial for success. It refers to courage, optimism, confidence, Strong sense of responsibility, etc.
The precondition for a high combat effectiveness team is to motivate them from inside or intrinsic motivation.Without it, the victory cannot be guaranteed, even if the team has sufficient resources, strong capability, strict system and the right direction.The combat effectiveness is similar to the spirit in DRAWING SWORD, proposed by Yunlong Li, the hero in the drama DRAWING SWORD. Any army with high combat effectiveness will have a traditional spirit to pass on under the influence of faith. This spirit is a kind of character and feature. With the spirit, the army has soul. No matter how the time and people change, the spirit lives forever. Therefore, “wherever the edge of sword points, the team is invincible.”
一、目标一致也就是思想要统一 First, Unified Goal Means Unified Thinking.
If you don’t set goal, live for others’ goal;
If you don’t prepare, prepare for failure;
If you don’t plan, prepare for failure either.
思想意识决定的问题最难改变,越是看不到的东西越能够体现出一个企业的层次,这就是企业文化。只要当事者的思想不统一、意识跟不上(不主动、不想干)、考核不到位, 再好的措施也得不到好的执行。
It’s most challenging to resolve the issues from the thinking. It is so called company culture which shows the mature level of any enterprise. If the team members have no unified thought, willingness to work or disqualified performance, the best ideas will not be carried out.
“Unity thinking” is not only a slogan, but also the guarantee to make sure the team will never back off and improve the execution. Therefore, to lead a good team, first, the department goals should be connected closely to the company or organization goals. After that, the practical measures should be carried out to every member of the team.Different levels of managers should decompose, propagate, implement, check and take actions. Only by doing so, the team will move forward together with such consolidated energy and passion force.
二、激发人的潜能 Second, trigger the potential of people.
Intrinsic motivation refers to the inner potential of people. If the potential is mobilized, the team members will show the spirits of optimistic attitude, full energy, active thinking and persistence.
For team, the intrinsic motivation can help the organization fulfill the goal that seems untouchable.To trigger the intrinsic motivation should depend on both subjective factor and objective factors. The former one is key.
A talented person will always conquer himself, study and think actively in any circumstances, say hello to all difficulties,finally achieve great results. In another side, subjective factors will play as catalyst. Potential will be triggered by different factors such as external environment,events, groups and others. The subjective factors are not key factors while should not be ignored. Many transformation and improvements are caused by subjective factors.
Based on that, manager should do below things to trigger the potential of their employees:
1. Respect people. Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.Manager should learn to respect your employees, help them and complement them.You should take care of the work and life of the employees. For instance, encourage all to send presents and wish cards to the one in birthday. (to become a company rule later on). As a result, every member in the team would feel the sense of belonging and love.
2. Learn to listen. Manager should listen to the suggestions of the employees regularly and sincerely. Coach them positively, understand their personal development plan and try best to help them. Manager should also listen to the concerns of employees and be a good listener. When employees are lost to their work and future, manager should comfort and enlighten them, helping them to eliminate the concerns and pressure.
3. Empower. Manager should empower employees to do their work with capability and authority and be responsible for the results. Meanwhile manager should pay attention on monitoring. When they are lack of working knowledge or skills, manager should step in and teach them.
4. Encourage. Encouragement is power. Encouragement could be Carrots and Sticks, but the most powerful way is to motivate people from heart. The key for growing up is mindset change. (Adjust mind and eliminate negative position). Result-oriented mindset means leading employees to focus on the prospectus future (results).
5. Role models. Members have different competencies in a team. Manager should not only help the low competency members to improve the whole performance of the team, but also pay attention to the high competency employees in terms of willingness to learn, outstanding performance and so on. These employees should be set up as role models. To propagate their success stories can motivate the morale of the team.
6. Create a learning environment. The most important thing in learning is a status of meditation. If people cannot calm down their heart, where to get wisdom? Under restless with anxiety, people can only make wrong decisions.
三、激发团队的潜能 Third, trigger the potential of team.

Team consists of people. To trigger the intrinsic motivation should rely on the team members first. It needs high standards for manager with following methodology:
1. Enthusiasm. To motivate other’s enthusiasm, you must have the enthusiasm first. The enthusiasm of manager is confidence, ready to inject power and inspire team. It is lighthouse, showing the model and guidance. It is also torch, igniting the team!
2. Manager should ignite the conscience of people. Conscience is true north and humanity. Conscience is equality and respect as well as justice and fairness. Conscience refers to the exploration the nature of things, do right things and do things right.
3. Manager should dare to take their responsibilities. Hero always appears in the form of team instead of individual. Results belong to the team and responsibility should be taken by themselves. Therefore, every member could feel safe to go ahead because there is always an umbrella cover their heads.
4. Manager should adjust their management styles from person to person.Every member has different character, advantage, capability and values. If manager wants everyone has unified thinking, they should adjust their styles based on mutual understanding and respect. They should use different methods for different people instead of copying the old style. It is tough but very effective.

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