The parent trap-Chapter eight.15

2017-11-06  本文已影响0人  玲玲同学

Sunny Nov.6th(Today is my birthday.) 2017

The parent trap-Chapter eight.15/21

Hallie is very curious about her mother and father's love sorry.She's persuading her mother to design a wedding gown for her own.

Hallie:So, doesn't designing all these wedding gowns ever make you think about getting married again, or at least make you think about the ''F'' word.

Mom:The ''F'' word?

Hallie:My father.

Mom:Oh! Oh, that ''F'' word. Well, no, actually, because l didn't even wear a wedding gown when l married the ''F'' word.

Hallie:You didn't? Why not?

Mom:Why the sudden curiosity about your dad, huh?

Hallie:Well, maybe because he's never mentioned. And you can't blame a kid for wondering. Mother, you can't avoid the subject forever. At least tell me what he was like.

Mom:Okay. He was quite lovely, to tell you the truth. When we met he was, actually, entirely lovely. All right?

Hallie:All right. So, did you meet him here in London?

Mom:We met on the Q.E. ll.

Hallie:Q.E. what?

Mom:The Queen Elizabeth ll. It's an ocean liner that sails from London to New York...'cause l wasn't keen on flying then and neither was your father.

Mom:We met our first night on board ship. We were seated next to each other at dinner. He's an American, you know.

Hallie:No kidding? So, was it love at first sight?

Maybe that's the difference between Hallie and Annie.Hallie can express her feeling directly.But Annie can use some proper words.Maybe that's also the culture difference between America and Britain.

Mom:l knew you were going to ask me all these questions one day. Taxi!

Hallie:Dear old Dad, l wonder what he's doing at this very moment.

Annie is getting off the plane and her dad is picking her up at airport.It is the first time for her to meet her father .So she is a little out of breath.


Annie:Oh, gosh. lt's him.

Dad:Hey, Hal! Welcome home, kiddo.

Dad:Get into these arms, you little punk.

Annie:Dad. Finally.

Dad:Oh, l hope you had a lousy time at that camp, because you are not going back. l missed you too much.

Dad:What happened to you, Hal? Something's changed. Are you getting taller?

Annie:So, what's up, Dad? l mean, how's Chessy and everybody?

Dad:Great. Everybody's great. Can't wait to see you. Eight weeks really is too long, Hal. A lot's been happening around here.

Annie:A lot's happened to me too, Dad. l mean, l feel like l'm practically a new woman.

Dad:What's the matter? l cut myself shaving?

Annie:No, it's just...just seeing you for the first time. l mean, you know, in so long. You look taller to me, too, Dad.

Dad:Come on, squirt. Let's get home.

They're driving home.Annie is sitting by his father's side.She always keeps talking with his father.Her father wondered that why she always says "Dad"at the end of every sentence.

Dad:Oh, by the way, thanks for all those newsy letters. l'm really glad l bought you that personalized just had to have.

Annie:Well, we meant to write, Dad, but we just got so...


Annie:Oh! Oh, me and my friend. l, l met this girl at camp and we got really close.


Annie:Practically like sisters. She was a lovely girl.

Dad:Lovely girl? All of sudden you're so proper?

Dad:Still biting those nails, l see.

Annie:Dad, you noticed.

Dad:What do you mean noticed? You've been biting them since you could chew.

Annie:But l've decided to stop, Dad. lt's a horrid habit.

Dad:Lovely girl, horrid habit. What did l do, send you to summer camp or finishing school? And why do you keep saying ''Dad'' at the end of every sentence?

Annie:I'm sorry. l didn't realize l was doing it, Dad. Sorry, Dad.

Annie:Do you want to know why l keep saying ''dad''? The truth?

Dad:Because you missed your old man so much, right?

Annie:Exactly. lt's because in my whole life. l mean, you know, for the past eight weeks...l was never able to say the word ''dad.'' Never. Not once.

Annie:And if you ask me, l mean, a dad is an irreplaceable person in a girl's life. Think about it. There's a whole day devoted to celebrating fathers.

Annie:Just imagine someone's life without a father, never buying a Father's Day card, never sitting on their father's lap, never being able to say, ''Hi, Dad'' or ''What's up, Dad'' or ''Catch you later, Dad.''

Annie:I mean, a baby's first words are always ''dada,'' aren't they?

Dad:Let me see if l get this. You miss being able to call me dad?

Annie:Yeah. l really have, Dad.

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