
2018-09-29  本文已影响0人  6c5fa54b2a46





Hi team,

It’s great talking with you last Friday and getting things rolling.  There are three fronts to be taken care of for the upcoming event on May 15.

1. Panelists: We will have three panelists: 1) xxx; 2) xxx, and 3).  Looks like we have confirmed their schedules.  Maybe we should double-check with them two weeks before the event just to be safe.  I can contact xxx.  I assume Susan and Leon have good relationships with other two panelists and can double-check with them.  But if you are tied up, I can do it, too.  *I will refresh this on May 1. *

2. Reception and on-site work: This would include ordering food and drinks, signing in the participants, arranging chairs and tables, etc. 

a. Food. Catherine volunteered to help and gave me valuable advice regarding catering (I’m copying her here).

b. Alcohol. We talked about serving alcohol on Friday and need to confirm with PTO that’s doable.  * Maybe Leon could also float this the organizer since he is working on the forum with them.. * But let me know if you need help.

c. Private policy. There seems to be a form we need to fill out and submit to the organizer and I saw Leon was working on it with Kevin.  *Leon, could you please confirm the form is submitted? *

d. Budget: *Susan, let us know how much you want to spend for food and drinks. *

e. Volunteers: Jenny offered to recruit some volunteers. *Leon, how many volunteers do we need for an event like this? *

3. Promotion and marketing: I will work with Nancy on drafting and sending out messages regarding this event.  *I will prepare descriptions and blurbs by early April and circulate them to the team. * As you said, this even covers a relatively narrow topic, so we need to reach out to IP lawyers specifically. *Maybe people can brainstorm the organizations we should reach out to and claim the ownership. *

Let me know if I missed anything. 





Information Request for the setup of a LLC 有限责任公司设立的信息要求

Comments on the Term Sheet of Series A 某公司A论融资条款意向书的意见

Application as a volunteer of the September 1th Event 九月一日活动的志愿者申请

Draft of 2016 Board Resolution 某公司2016年董事会决议起草



我们中学英语课上教的Dear xxx。但是事实上, 已经是比较古老的用法, 现在发邮件,除了真的是跟你关系很亲密的dear某某人,其他的都是Hi xxx开头。

听起来有道理,我们写邮件都是商务场合,可以基本排除Dear的使用了。唯一还有一种商务场合要用到Dear的就是Dear Sir/Madam, 但是如果知道具体名字的,都是“Hi xxx,“。

注意!与中文中的“王先生,您好!”开头不同, 这个Hi和人名之间没有标点符号,在人名后面是一个逗号,比如:

· Hi Mike,√  对!你没看错,就是Hi Mike中间什么都没有!

· 而不是

· Hi! Mike, X

· Hi Mike!  X

· Hi, Mike! X

知道名字的还可以用Good morning xxx, Hello xxx。但是出现都不多,基本上就记住一个Hi xxx, 就可以。 如果写给一大堆人,可以用Hi Team,或者想我上面用的那个Hi Investors。不知道名字的可以用To whom it may concern, Dear Sir/Madam,在实际使用中,一般用后者的比较多。


所以,称呼部分,可以总结为:知道名字的就用Hi xxx, 不知道名字的就用Dear Sir/ Madam。

三. 开头语


1) I am writing to tell you about ...

2) I wanted to tell you that…

3) We’re sending you this email because…

4) This email is to confirm that...

5) Hope you’re having a great day

6) Happy Monday

7) I hope this finds you well

8) "My name is ...

9) “Let me introduce myself”

10) "I know you're really busy ..."

11) "I want to ask a quick favor."


1. 高冷生硬型1)~ 4)

· I am writing to tell you about ... (我写这封邮件是为了告诉你……)X

· I wanted to tell you that… (我想告诉你……)X

· We’re sending you this email because…  (我们发这封邮件是为了……)X

· This email is to confirm that..... (这封邮件是为了确认……)X


这些用语,别说是英文,翻译成中文都有点让人看不下去。尤其是第二个,I want,咱们可能觉得want挺常用、挺普通的词,但是在实际英语使用中,可以说有点不礼貌,老板对员工说I want可以,女朋友对男朋友说I want可以,孩子对爸妈说I want可以,但总之I want带着一种任性的口吻,会让收信这有一种感觉:

顺便说一句,美国朋友告诉我,即便在餐厅点菜,也不要“I want a Kongbao Chicken “ 而是往往会用”I’d like a Kongbao Chicken“。对服务员粗鲁一点也就算了,商务场合,少用want。

2. 弱智儿童欢乐多型5)~7)

· Hope you’re having a great day 希望你今天过得好X

· Happy Monday 愉快的周一!X

· I hope this finds you well 希望这封邮件顺利送达X


这种开头不会让别人觉得冒犯、粗鲁,但是会觉得有点无聊,虽然美国人也经常这样开头,但是这并不是我们推荐的开头。邮件都是要言简意赅的,最好开门见山。像是文章开头的两个例子,一个是直接说“Attached please find……(请见附件中……)“,完全没有寒暄。另外一个,It’s great talking with you last Friday and getting things rolling(上周五跟大家讨论事情的进展很愉快)虽然看起来稍微有点寒暄,但是注意这句话是由信息量的,因为写信人上周五刚刚跟大家见面谈过这个事项的安排,这样说是一种比较自然的用语。


"My name is ...(我的名字是)

"Let me introduce myself”(让我介绍一下自己)

"I know you're really busy ..."(我知道你很忙)

"I want to ask a quick favor."(我想让你帮个小忙)

这种开头的邮件往往是美国人说的cold email,也就是给不认识的人,而且往往比自己地位高的人。在求职中,或者业务拓展中比较多。邮件主要作为商务目的,写什么都从这个角度出发考虑一下,这是不是商务场合的用语。上面例子中,前两个似乎还看得下去,后面两个简直不忍直视。收信人的表情一定是:



1. 第一次发邮件给别人。


We’ve met in the Tencent Tech Day event last month. (我们上周在腾讯科技日活动上见过)

I’ve read a lot of books written by you and like your style very much. (读过很多你写的书,非常喜欢你的风格)

Xxx talked about you many times and speaks highly of you (xxx经常提起你,对你非常敬佩)


I would appreciate if you……

I may need your help on ……

Could you please ……

I would be grateful if you could...

I would be grateful if you could send me further information about...

2. 后续发邮件(follow up)

Thank you for your question (谢谢你提的问题)

Sorry for late reply. (抱歉回复晚了)

Just to confirm that(希望确认一下……)

About xxx, hope to clarify that (关于xxx,有一点想要明确以下)


主体部分没有固定的语句,很多文章也总结,让大家礼貌、清晰、专业,但是似乎缺乏可操作性的方法。这里有三句箴言可以让你的邮件越写越好:1. 少用I和We;2. 少用问号;3. 简短。

1. 少用I和We

修改前I am very glad to talk with you last Friday and getting things rolling.  I think three fronts need to be taken care of for the upcoming event on May 15.

修改后It’s great talking with you last Friday and getting things rolling.  There are three fronts to be taken care of for the upcoming event on May 15.

比较明显,就是把主语从两个I换成了客观的it和there, 前者看起来重复、拖沓,有点像小学生说话,后者就更加正式、专业。


2. 少用问号

修改前Did I miss something?

修改前 Did I miss something? ed anything. 


3. 简短

修改前I’m thinking since Leon is working with the organizer regarding the forum, maybe he could also float the alcohol permission with the organizer at the same time.

修改后Maybe Leon could also float this the organizer since he is working on the forum with them.




结尾也要尽量简洁,不像是中文邮件的“敬颂春祺“”顺颂商祺“这种肉麻的用语,英文的行文一定要简单明晰。文章开头的那个邮件案例,结尾是“Let me know if I missed anything. ” 这样的结尾既不失礼貌,又不罗嗦,含有一定的信息量,把自己放在请教的位置,让对方提醒自己有没有什么遗漏。


· If there's anything I can do for you, please let me know.

· Looking forward to hearing from you

· I'd love to hear your feedback.

如果不知道说什么,最好的结尾,其实就是我们最常说的Thank you very much! 绝对不会出错, 也不要认为这样让人觉得你英文不够好,没别的话可说。




Yours faithfully,

Kind regards,

Yours truly,


Best regards,

With best wishes,

但其实现实生活中用的最多的,就是直接写自己的名字,上面那些可以在非常正式的邮件,像是在发给对方公司关于一项重要决定、文件的时候用,而日常与同事、上司、对方工作人员之间的邮件,直接写上自己的名字就可以了,像是文章开头的邮件案例那样。 如果在日常商务场合每次都加上”Sincerely” “Yours”什么的,反而会让人觉得很见外。



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