2021-03-15 How to Motivate Yours

2021-03-15  本文已影响0人  春生阁

People often tell me it seems like I’m on the grind constantly. I write prolifically and consistently. I do work pretty much every day. I am motivated, but I’m not a productivity robot like you might think.

I don’t work 12–14 hour days. In fact, I usually work about four hours per day. I don’t do a ton of busywork throughout the day. Mostly, I do a small handful of things really well and consistently.

I’m not constantly peppy and upbeat like Mel Robbins or Brendon Bouchard. I still have off days. I’m human. But, in the grand scheme of things, I’ve managed to maintain a consistent level of motivation for a half-decade and used it to build a career and life that I love. More or less, I have a solid base-level of motivation on a day-to-day basis.

Before you tell yourself it isn’t possible for you, just know that I used to be extremely lazy — cripplingly lazy. Those familiar with my work know the stories. You can turn the ship around, but you have to have a starting point and get momentum somehow. Let’s talk about how to do that.

ou think you don’t have motivation, but you have an abundance of it. You make decisions based on your motivations constantly. Let’s take a look at the definition from the dictionary:

The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

It’s pretty simple. You develop a sense of intrinsic motivation when you feel compelled to do the work. When I say compelling, you feel pulled to do the work instead of having to push yourself to do the work.

Even when it comes to difficult and challenging tasks that seem like you need to push yourself to do, you’ll never do them until you create reasons strong enough to draw you to the activity.

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