To remember some words or phrase

2021-07-12  本文已影响0人  唔知咩名好

Unemployed:if you are unemployed, you are avalible to work but don't have a job.


1、Thousands of workers became unemployed after the factory closed down.

2、Up to 60% of the unemployed have no collage degree.

讲解:“the”加形容词可以指代一类人;the unemployed指的就是失业者

To break down:when you break down, you lose control of your feelings and start to cry.


1、He broke down in tears when he deleted his ex of his phone.

讲解:可以用break down in tears或者break down to tears来表示某人泪流满面

2、Marsha broke down crying at the driver's kind, encouraging words.

讲解:除了break down in/to tears,还可以用break down crying。

个人理解:就语气来说,我感觉break down crying更加的能突出泪流满面的场面,不过我查了下字典,发现三者其实是一样的.....

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