To Implement and Test an API 实现A

2017-06-15  本文已影响0人  麦克斯杜

You can use Anypoint Studio to change, mock, and test an API. MUnit can create a unit testing suite for your application. Assuming you set up the JSONPlaceholder RAML definition according to the instructions in the previous section, you create a Studio project for the example JSONPlaceholder API on Anypoint Platform. You use APIkit to process an existing API backed by RAML.

你可以使用Anypoint Studio来交换、仿真和测试API。MUnit可以为你的应用程序创建单元测试集。假如你参照上一节的指导设置了JSONPlaceholder RAML定义,那么接下来你可以通过Anypoint Platform为你在Anypoint Studio上的JSONPlaceholder API来创建一个Stuido项目。使用APIKit来处理既存的基于RAML的API。

Click File > New > Mule Project to create a project, and set the field values in the new project wizard:

点击 文件 新建 Mule项目来创建项目,在新项目向导中进行设置。

Type an arbitrary name for the project, for example myproject.


Select a Mule runtime version, for example Mule 3.8.0 EE.

选择Mule runtime的版本,比如Mule 3.8.0 EE。

Check Add APIkit Components.


In API Definition, browse to and select Anypoint Platform.

在API定义中,找到并选择Anypoint Platform。

The Browse API Manager for APIs dialog appears.

会出出现浏览API Manager中的API的对话框。

Click Add Credentials.


The Anypoint Platform Sign In dialog appears.

出现Anypoint Platform登入对话框

Enter your user name and password, and click Sign In.


The names and versions of your APIs in your Anypoint Platform organization, for example the Enterprises organization appear.

你的Anypoint Platform机构(比如企业)所属的API的名字会版本号会出现。

Select the API you want to use in Studio: the placeholder API in this example. Click OK and Finish.

选择你想要在Studio中使用的API:比如这次我们要用的placeholder API。点击OK完成。

The placeholder.xml file appears in the src/main/app folder of the Package Explorer. The api-main flow appears at the top of the canvas and contains the APIkit Router. Below the main flow, there are other flows defined by the RAML, one for each resource/method pairing defined within the RAML spec. Do not rename these flows.

placeholder.xml文件会出现包浏览器的src/main/app目录。在绘图界面最上面会出现api-main flow,其中包含了APIkit路由。在main flow的下面,是根据RAML中的定义自动生成的相应flow,每一个都来自于RAML中定义的资源/方法对。不要更改这些flow的名字,否则APIKit无法正确生效。

Notice the API Sync view in the Mule palette. In this view, you synchronize your changes with Anypoint Platform and to download all updates from the Anypoint Platform to your Studio instance.

请留意在Mule的工具视图中的API Sync视图。在此视图中,你在Anypoint Platform中的更改会被同步过来,并且所有的Anypoint Platform更新都会被下载带的Studio实例。

The project creation process also adds a reference exception strategy to handle all possible errors.


Select Run Project > myproject from the context menu.

从上下文菜单中国选择 运行项目 myproject

The Console below the canvas shows the output of building and deploying the project. The APIkit Console tab contains a mockup of the API operations identical to the mockup you used earlier in the API Designer.

绘图界面下的控制台会显示构建和部署项目的输出信息。APIkit控制台则包含了与你之前用过的API Desiger中完全一样的API操作仿真。

Use the mocking service to simulate calls to the API.


Using MUnit for Unit Testing


A unit test consists of verifying that a single unit of code works as expected. Use MUnit to ensure the core functions of your application behave as you intended. MUnit is the Mule application testing framework that allows you to build automated tests for your integrations and APIs. We recommend integrating MUnit into your continuous deployment environment.


In this particular example, you focus on verifying the status and payloads returned by your APIKit router configuration following your RAML specs.


Later on, you can choose to automate each test to run before you deploy the application to guarantee the app works according to your design.


After you install MUnit as indicated below, work with its integrated automatic test creator to build the necessary tests for a RAML-based application.


Install MUnit


MUnit comes bundled with Studio 5.4.0 and later. If you are running an older Studio version, you first need to install MUnit. Using MUnit you can design your tests the same way you design a Mule application in Studio. You to automatically generate a test suite based on the RAML definition used by your APIKit router. In this case, MUnit creates a test for every flow created in your Mule application with the purpose of verifying the expected http status code and response payload of every flow.

MUnit被包含在Studio 5.4.0及以后的版本中。如果你使用在此之前版本的Studio,你需要单独安装MUnit。使用MUnit你可以像设计Mule应用程序那样的设计你的测试。可以通过APIKit路由中使用的RAML定义来自动生成测试集,MUnit会为你的Mule应用程序中的每一个flow创建一个测试,来验证每一个flow是否返回预期的HTTP状态码和数据体。

Go to Help > Install New Software…​

前往 帮助 安装新软件…​

Click Add…​

点击 添加…​

Set the following properties:


Name to MUnit Update Site


Location to


Check Munit and Munit Tools for Mule, and click Next to complete the installation.

选择Munit以及Mule Munit工具,点击下一步完成安装。

After installation, restart Anypoint Studio.

安装完成,重启Anypoint Stuido、

Generate an MUnit Test Suite


To generate a test suite:


Stop any Mule applications that are running from Studio.


Right-click the APIKit Router >, MUnit > Create placeholder.xml Suite for RAML.

右击 APIkit 路由 MUnit 为RAML创建placeholder.xml测试集

MUnit creates a test for each flow in your application and returns an MUnit test suite.


Perform a Test


It is important to define the purpose of your test. This automatic test validates the payloads and http response codes returned by your exposed APIKit endpoint. You test for the following things:


A GET request receives a 200 status code response.


The payload of this response is the one you are expecting.


To test this application, right click any blank space in your Test Suite workspace and select Run MUnit Suite.


The result of every test is shown in the MUnit View in Anypoint Studio.

每一个测试的结构都会被显示在Anypoint Stuido的MUnit视图中。

See Also


Sync an API


Reference Exception Strategy


APIkit Router



MUnit test suite.


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