
2017-06-08  本文已影响592人  JHC

一带一路是指"丝绸之路经济带"和"21世纪海洋丝绸之路"。它是一个通过古老的贸易路线连接亚欧非的贸易网络。2000多年前,外交家、钦差大臣张骞便通过“丝绸之路“出使西域。 如今,中国主席习近平提出“一带一路”倡议,目的在于推进两条路线沿线国家的基础设施建设、经济和社会发展。它顺应了世界和平与发展的时代要求, 也有利于加强区域经济繁荣及文化交流 。

The Belt and Road refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, a trade network connecting Asia, Europe and Africa along ancient trade routes. 2000 years ago, diplomat and imperial envoy Zhang Qian’s had paid a friendly visit to the west via the Silk Road. Today, Chinese president Xi Jinping proposed the “Belt and Roas”initiative with the aim to promote infreastrucuture building, economic and social development along the two routes. Not only does it respond to the call of the times for world peace and development, but it contributes to econimic prosperity and cultural exchange in the region.

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