My Fish

2018-11-28  本文已影响0人  Harry哈利

Recently one of my pets died. I have four goldfish and now I only have one. I want to dedicate this to the three that died and I also want to teach a lesson and learn on for myself.

So let's start with the story. Three months ago I bought a UV water purifier so that I could keep the water cleaner. It wasn't working and recently I returned it. Due to the algae growing on the glass and how it was affecting the water, one of my yellow fish sadly passed away. What we can learn from this is to not fully put your reliance on other things or people. That doesn't mean to trust them, but in case anything fails, you know that you had part of the responsibility and hopefully make you realise that next time you needed to do something to help.

My second case was very close to the last. A beautiful blackfish died due to the same reason. This was one-hundred per cent my fault as I let my mistake happen twice. When you know you have the responsibility and you make the same mistake, it can often lead to detrimental causes. As in my case, my fish died.

My last incident was very recent. It was with a sparkly orange fish. After I returned the UV purifier, I was cleaning out the tank and put the fish in fresh water. Obviously, that was a rookie mistake as the chlorine in tap water is toxic and harmful to the fish when they breathe. I am deeply sorry to all these losses and I hope my fishes are doing well. Again, this was fully my responsibility. What I could learn from this is to be less careless. When you are careless and unaware, you tend to do stupid actions. These stupid actions can also tend to lead to stupid and sad and lossful results.

So what I can learn from this is that I must always be careful, responsible and remember to make sure I don't affect other people whilst during the process. So I hope you've learnt a bit about what we could learn about caring for things and as a matter of fact, doing anything. Even if you just think I'm a bit crazy for killing three of my fish, please be careful out there. I hope my last fish, Spotty, will live to see my graduation!






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